Thursday, January 29, 2009

hello earthlings.
i offically hate chinese.
like i failed my ting xie one then i got 59 for the other -.-
chinese-aint my thing!
english is so boring you have to hear ms le talk then u will see what im going through *shivers*
math is fun! got mrs gopal for my math teacher
scary much?
science is surprisingly fun.
the teacher,mrs loh, doesnt even realise me and christie are talking the whole lesson.
we dont even listen just regular nods on the head
and she puts these super cool stickers (you might think im too old for stickers but they really are nice!)
she says *ahem* quote :" good work gracia. you have been paying attention in class. keep it up."
im so excited for art! (did i just say that? wow shocker!)
i drew this carchoal thingy super nice for once im proud of my work muhahaha.
tomorrow there is chinese supplementry someone kill me.
its like 2 periods before recess, and 1.5 hours in the afternoon
which = 2.5 hours of chinese!! *faints*
enjoy my freedom while i can!!
i offically hate thursdays and fridays!
thursday=2.5 hours of english
friday=2.5 hours of chinese!
cant they just put 2.5 hours of math or science? thats WAY better
speaking of science, i need to go do my hw!
i dont know what it is probably math im calling sheryl

Saturday, January 17, 2009

im back with a new blogskin!
woohoo blog in detail later
now got church.