Thursday, February 19, 2009

hello people.
im bored and a certain someone keeps discreminating me *coughs* libby*coughs*
schools pretty good i think i got a 96 for my ting xie! *screams*
i guess math is pretty fun mrs gopal is fine...
chinese is fine too. i think im TRYING to pay attention. although im happy that the teacher always never come, i seem to be failing my zuo ye's.
english is SCRABBLE! i really really really hope i can go again. ms govinden said that every class will pick top 5 then they will see which 5 out of the 15 will go! i hope i can go ms govinden said that even though charity will top us she will fight for our spot because we went last year! i got a 81 english last year thats good right?!?! RIGHT?! i got second in class im thinking its a good shot!
science. mmmnm science is boring. i think kinetic energy,potential and blah blah is BORING!
i think i use caps lock too many times bleh.
the weeks just fly past huh? im going to copy libby write the week in summary
well it was average had 4 periods of chinese?! wth... had math supp very boring felt like sleeping...

uh i kinda forgot what happened blehh. umm had subjects blah it just flies past thennnnn had science and english supp. i swear our dustbin is a biohazard. it stinks like shit and i was forced to empty it. almost died by the stink!

uh had ting xie i was damn confident although i learned it in like 5 mins during science. i had the scrabble test and i believe ambassador is spelled like that!

Thursday A.K.A today

had FIVE periods of english it was so boring...
also had Art i believe its a waste of time!
so is music! YAWN!

hahaaaaa friday is tomorrow chinese supp wish me luck! :D