Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell

holidays are here!
surreal much?
i have to do all the crappy hw that people throw to me
i wish i could just go and run to J8 and watch a movie but i cant
today i woke up at 11
then i played com and played with webcammmmm
then youtube-d until 3 then went Hougang Point/Mall
aiya that bus interchange la
then cabbed to KK hospital with my grandma to bring her to clinic
then ate mcdonalds while waiting
what kind of hospital puts Mcdonalds in their campus?
its bad for ur health, its tempting and wth its next to the clinic.
then cabbed back home and played somemore
attempted to start on math hw but i after 10 mins gave up
im a slacker ya know?
and does anyone ever read my blog?
okay i have to go do something.
bye! ^__^