Monday, August 31, 2009

MIA no longer!

after being MIA for like 3,4 months, i have decided to continue blogging! yay.. no not really.
okay ummm past few months, what has happened?
well oral came first. english i started blabbering like an idiot just talking ALOT and i got "good conversation". i talked about how crazy my baby cousin was. i said crazy like 10 times in a sentence. Chinese, ahhh. i was like freaking out and like stammering and saying uhh uhh uhh ALOT. i felt like crap after finishing the chinese oral. then like the main papers:
was okay. i think i wrote a good compo. it was full of emotions. then the main paper was easy, only for vocab i pretty much didnt know alot of words. just have to wait till wednesday then. '
quite easy. i couldn't believe that it was the IJ prelim paper for math. i found out i got 90. which is one mark from A*. get ready to start begging and pleading and probably crying. yay our Mrs Gopal girls got 3 A*s and there are only 6 of us. so if u minus me, there are 2 people who didnt get A*.. sad.
okayokay only lah. im quite confident. like my mom calls it, "half baked"

next.. PSLE oral. oh yeah.
well for chinese it was okay. passage was easy but picture was like !@#$%^&*.
was easy. the examiners were one balding old guy with weird sun spots on his arms while the other is a reallllly fat lady with a double chin. i just described alot of crap too. about my grandma got cancer then the nurse very kind and blah blah blah. then the fat girl didnt bother to look at me! okay i am being stereotype. but the old guy just went"Hmmm, good." WHATS HMMM GOOD?! i didnt really know but after oral was over i was so relieved and i ate Macdonalds. gluttony sucks.