Thursday, June 10, 2010

A post of ephipanies.

The photo really contradicts what this blog post is about.

Okay, so hi.
I just had an epiphany.
I'm not intellectual.
I dont have the mental capacity to think of awesome thought up statuses that no one can fathom.
To think of it, if you wrote a book about me, I would just be a mundane protagonist.
Look at Nicole
Just read what she writes.
Its far more interesting than a story on drugs.
How typical is that?
Under that demure appearance is a really good writer.
I'm not even talking about composition type.
Groan, I dont even know whats the point of this post.
It sounded far better in my head.
Maybe I'm just a pusillanimous little girl who feels inferior to everyone.

Monday, June 7, 2010

My 101th post/JTC!

This is my 101th post!
Okay, anyway, time to blog about JTC.

Day 1 AKA Friday
I woke up at 7 and did last minute packing and then my dad sent me to school.
Had breakfast at Dover first.
We then had to fall in at the parade square
And align our bottles in squad formation.
I already had a pit feeling that the camp wasnt gonna be great.
After that, we had to pack our bunks in 10 minutes
Then we got scolding (as usual)
Luckily i packed all i needed to pack. ;)
Then we had to surrender our phones/wallets.
We had to take a declaration oath thing that the people in the Army do!
It was so surreal.
"I, S9734595C, Private Gracia leong promise that i (...)"
A bit ridiculous.
The rest of the day passed in a blur.
It was tough crap though.
BUT! I passed my OA Bronze!
Its only theory but still! :DDDDD
I can proudly say now that I CAN PITCH A TENT!
The girls had to sleep on the first level of Indoor Sports Hall.
I shared a tent with Cheryl, Cherra, Ezra, Jamie and a few other Sec 2s.
It was really suffocating and HOT.
And we had a fire drill at 2AM.
And I was disorientated most of the time
We had to do it twice.
So frustrating.
Then we went back to sleep, couldnt really sleep after that.
Day 1 was almost hell.

Day 2
I woke up while it was still pitch dark and i groaned.
Went to the canteen to fall in and eat breakfast
Which was oh a piece of pancake.
Like those folded ones.
Just one.
Then we had to change into full uniform!
And we did 2 hours of consecutive drill.
It was fun!!! :D
We learnt some Silver drill too. :D
Then we had our Bronze Drill Theory.
You know, all of us FAILED!!
Then Ms Shamsiah scolded us pretty badly. ):
BUT then we passed!
We then had to change out of our Uniform.
While changing in the bathroom, we suddenly heard the TURNOUT whistle!!!
Which basically means you need to pack everything inside your haversack and RUN down
We ran down, but wasnt good enough.
We had to unpack our bag in 10secs, pack our bag in 10secs. etc.
Then the sir wasnt really happy, so we needed to run up and wear our FULL UNIFORM
in 5 mins!
Everyone ran down but none of us had the proper attire.
Got scolding again.
Poor Sec 3s.
After that we had Lunch!
I kinda forgot what happened after that
OH the drill retest.
Lastest till about 5.30p.m
Then we got to sleep in the dance studio for 15 mins!
Super nice.
Then we played some games, quite hard but fun. :D
Had dinner.
Rest of the night passed quite quickly and we got some shut eye at 11p.m
Day 2 was worse than Day 1, i was expecting Day 3 to be miserable.

Day 3
Woke up at 5.30 and woke the rest of the girls up.
Was washing up when THE TURNOUT HAPPENED!
Freaked out and ran down with my haversack.
Hyperventilating? Oh yes.
Then he wasnt happy so we needed to run back and then run down again!
But we made it in time to yeah. :D
Had breakfast, and in the end, we just needed to bring out ponchos! so shocking right.
Then we had the hike.
It was TOUGH but fun!
The mission was really eye-opening.
Then we had GAMES.
super fun!
We played really fun games and everyone bonded and had so much fun! HEHE.
Came back and then we had debrief at Learn@Fairfield
Everyone was SUPER high.
HAHA the sir was like, "We need to watch what we give you!"
Had debrief and it was mostly fun! :D
They gave out awards for Best Camper etc.
And surprised me got an award(Apples) for being very responsible in collecting forms, etc.
I didnt even know what was going on!
But i'm proud of myself. (:
overall Day 3 rocked. :D

So, JTC is over.
We all had crazy amounts of FUN.
AHHH, i love JTC!
And i learnt something from the Hike:
In Red Cross, unlike other UGs, we help others and in turn help ourselves. (:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I just got home from Journalism Camp!
It was like, eh.
Not that fun.
A) We had to pay for ALL our meals
B) We got locked out of our own Computer Lab.
BUT we bonded through Bang and i now can say that i am GOOD at bang. (;
NCC(Land) also had their camp.
It was torture for the poor boys.
They had to like, uncountable amounts of push ups a DAY and A LOT of sit ups.
AND they even had training at 12am!
We could hear them.
Poor things.

Anyway, I am really apathetic about the Red Cross camp on Friday
I'm missing church, and thats the only part of which i am really angry about. D:
I dont wanna go, its gonna be hell-ish. ):
If i live to tell the tale, I will tell you alllll! :D