Saturday, February 5, 2011

i hear you, in my dreams.

I haven't blogged in a while.
A whole wave of things have happened since I last blogged.
Got an A1 for that dreadful Home Econs project,
Got an A1 for History, which i pledged to get and achieved
I learnt to love red cross, yet learnt to loathe it at the same time.
I think I'm generally different from last year, where I was exploring life, trying to figure out who I was.
Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that time.
Sec 2 life is okay, it's pretty mundane so far.

I shall blog about my KL trip, how I felt about it.
On the car ride there, I thought a lot.
I don't see the point of going to KL every single year.
My mum finally cracked after 21 years and screamed at us, calling these trips a waste of her time.
I agreed with her, and cried silently in the car to my grandma's house, preparing to act happy about seeing my cousins.
Sometimes, life really sucks.
I feel like if i was born into another family, life would be so much more different
I would have a real set of loving parents, a household where there wasn't constant shouting, etc.
I shall stop for now, it's making me feel like crying, which would be bad.
I'll post more tomorrow.
First post of 2011.
Hopefully it's a good one.