Sunday, November 18, 2012


Recently, my life has been reduced to either
A) Spending ALL my time in school
Like 9-5 or on lucky days, 8-6
Which really doesn't make me upset, it makes me busy so I don't end up doing B
Speaking of B...
B) Sitting at home watching all my favourite shows and going on the internet
I've seriously started a Sunday lazy schedule.
3 episodes of Castle, followed by 2 episodes of Body of Proof
I'm not that much of a Body of Proof fan, mostly because I HATE this guy.
Worst character ever.

Look at that ugly face.
Okay I'm being quite biased but hey, the dude is annoying, immature and just downright hate-able.
And he isn't even a villain! He's one of the good guys.
Makes me so mad.
But then again they make up by making a really nice couple of Peter (Detective) and Dani (Medical Examiner)
BUT THEN.... dun dun dun
They killed off Dani's character.
I was SO mad.
With that, I was done following Body of Proof

How can you kill her?!
Castle still makes me happy though, they're showing Season 2 which is my fav season so yay.
yay for staying in bed for 4 hours watching TV.
On to the internet... everyday I find new things that blow my mind.
Previous blog post was about my new found interest in Victoria Secret Models (Perfectionnnn)
Now I've found a new interest!
Food bloggers.
Like, how amazing is it to just bake food, take photos and blog about it?
And all this baking is making me want to bake too!
Except I have to remind myself that I cannot bake, and I will never be able to.
/insert sad face/

Anyhoo, another exciting part of my life is that Council Camp is tomorrow!
I don't know if I'm excited or not
I haven't packed anything and I'm prolly one of the most unenthusiastic campers around
I just want to stick my tongue out and be like..
I haven't touched any of my holiday homework either, except my emath worksheet.
I got on pretty alright till I got to coordinate geometry
and I'm the (self proclaimed) queen of that.
There has never been a Amath practice paper/EOY paper that I've done that I haven't gotten full marks for coordinate geo.
Emath, everything wrong!
I got so frustrated cause I checked and I was right and the answer sheet was wrong
Making me feel that the answer sheet wasnt credible at all
That sent me into a flurry
And i decided not to touch Emath anymore
And seeing that it is the least complicated homework,
I foresee I won't be touching homework for awhile.

Anyhoo that's all for now folks,
need to pack for council camp and find something to wear for Farewell.
Whoop dee do