Sunday, February 10, 2013


When I was in the car back to S'pore I totally has this blog post in my head but rn I'm just like.. meh.

In summary what I was gonna say was:

7 and 8 year olds can speak fluent Cantonese while I can't.
Blame Billingualism. Also they learn English Chinese AND Malay. Overachievers much.

Malaysia has ridiculously cheap food.
Not fair.

Read John Green's Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns.
One was disappointing and one was not.

Though Looking for Alaska was the better of the two, I hope I'll never have to be in the situation.

Watched a movie called Restless about a girl dying in 3 months and the guy loves her and AHH but i know she's another MPDG. The beautiful girl who dies and the boy who learns to let go of his anger management.

I wish MPDG would stop making me feel like I want to be one of them and be perfect and pretty and have nice hair and nice dresses and clothes.


..... nobody asked you Patrice.