Friday, April 5, 2013

You know it's funny how freedom can make us feel contained

It feels almost surreal that the surge of exams/preparation/studying is about to come
It's like we strapped ourselves onto our seats on the roller coaster, and we are slowly ascending upwards.
Knowing what is ahead yet gripping the handlebars as if we don't.
And when we fall, we scream, but we fall.

Mr Ng's attempts to get us motivated included a survey for a motivational workshop.
One of the questions included, Why do you not feel motivated? And it had those annoying asterisks that meant you had to answer it.
"I feel like I am running on a track and every time I push myself to complete and reach the 100m mark, I realise that there is another 100m ahead of me. And every 100m symbolises a new supposed target of success. Score below 10 for L1R5, Score below 8, Score 6. Maintain 6. Score all A1s.
Whenever I think about the never ending track, I feel unmotivated
What am I studying for?"

 Although somehow I think this is a reason for me to NOT study and constantly watch episodes of Law and Order, which are brilliant btw.

It also scares me that in 8 months time, my time in fairfield will be gone and a new season of change is arriving.
Quite like the uncertain feeling of when sunshine will arrive after rain and assault your face, and that longing for the cool air to linger on forever.
Yet, you know for certain that it is coming and that the change is inevitable.
 I always feel foolish for thinking that things that are inevitable will not arrive as long as I do not think about it.
Out of sight, out of mind?

When I think about leaving fairfield, i just want to go up to every single lovely person I have met in fairfield and hug them and tell them that they are beautiful, wonderful people who are going to do so well in life and impact everyone around them with their loveliness and fluff.

On a side note, would love this /temporary/ tattoo:
Good reminder.