Friday, December 19, 2008

hello people.
i hate holidays do you?
so boring!! right now im so bored i could go to school at 6am and not care.
yes its that drastic.
only thing to look forward too, (i think, really doubt) going out with my cousin's soon to be girlfriend joanne! but shes super busy with who knows what at her sucky job so yea. and later that day going to have dinner woth family because its christmas eve! cousins cooking. dunno if nice yet leh, never try before. supossedly nice... hmmmmm. andandand on christmas guess what im doing?NOTHING. i am going to be stuck at home on christmas. how sucky is that??? rotting again with my sister. i cant even go holiday! my parents dun want. somemore got First Lego League which we are so gonna fail! i must presnt this 20min crappy presentation someone save me seriously. its so hard. Climate Change. ok i like watching stuff about it but presenting a Technical presentation about it is just crazy!!
someone save me before i die!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


hey people.
yea i know havent post for a long time.
i have been spending my holidays stuck at home doing absolutely nothing.
only going to church and on two days went out with nicholas(cousin) and his girlfriend(i think?) joanne. andand atempted to go out with mom and sis on one sunday. see how boring holidays can be?
well last night i sms-ed joanne just to know some information on some words that she likes to use. (: even though i am not related to her in any way what so ever, she was like super nice and actually cared . i just thought, why do people do the things they do? like dolling themselves up, do they do it just to look pretty? if everyone says that we are all pretty in God's eyes, why do they bother? is it so inportant to look pretty? whatever u do in earth in heaven doesnt really matter right? if God made us the way we are, why should we try to change it? is it insecurities? or what?
u see these are things that people obsess about. i mean seriously. look at my sister and practically all her friends, they care so much about hair. but being pretty aint a sin. quoted by sister. or am i just crazy? yea i think im crazy. thats the reason why i dun have fringe. i dont really think i have to have fringe and cut to some strange shape just to look "pretty" or or just do what everyone is doing! ahh i have finally found a reason why. people think just because the other person has fringe then she runs to the hairdresser and cuts the same fringe. whats the real meaning of life anyway? or am i just entering a stage which somehow NOBODY else is going through.... is that true? im like always thinking about what life's about and stuff. like how am i NOT materialistic? unlike everyone? i dont care much about how i look OR what i wear. as quoted by joanne; "i have got a good head on my shoulders." well not really i dont think my state of mind is something to be proud of. nonono. its just really confusing. get what i mean?