Thursday, April 19, 2012


History memorised, RCY stuff all ironed out and all by 7:10!
All i have to do now is read Lit and memorise quotes and shizz and im done for the day! Yeeehaawwwww
This is amazing first time this week I'm not panicking.
Might even have time to pack bag for Thailand! Hurhur
pretty much how i feel right now :')

Saturday, April 14, 2012

my head is mush

mush is my head
i can already feel the exhaustion that is going to come like a tsunami.
watched a documentary of it and it scared the heebeejeebeezz of out me.
gracia you got yourself into this, get out of it!
okay, quit everything hurhur
i can now safely add Church to my list of leadership commitments. Yipeeeee

In tsunamis, the initial wave is low and receding, which led people to think it was safe to come out. After that, the huge wave just rushed in and killed everyone cause the first wave created a smooth layer for the second to cause mass destruction.

Currently going through the initial wave.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

yellow diamonds in the sky

Sunday night, monday tomorrow :<
Looking forward to wednesday! :D
5 tests this week, then chem next next week and tests are over (Thank God)
Quite excited for Thailand :D
This post is for my darling spoon, Claire (:
other than..
i love you :D

Monday, April 2, 2012

I just had a realization.

What am I doing with my life?
All I live for is studying and slogging through school as I study hard for tests.
Do the tests, get them back, get grades, what's next?
Shouldn't teenage years be the best of your life?
What happened to YOLO? (You only live once)
My life revolves around CCA and School.
Not even God. CCA has taken over my Saturdays.
How many times can I say I have been to cell/service this year?
Feel so flustered now.
Every weekend is spent either A) Studying for tests or B) CCA
Isn't life supposed to be fun and free?
I need to live.
Like truly live.
Go out and live!
Bio test and lit test tmorrow but im like ah meh.