Monday, April 2, 2012

I just had a realization.

What am I doing with my life?
All I live for is studying and slogging through school as I study hard for tests.
Do the tests, get them back, get grades, what's next?
Shouldn't teenage years be the best of your life?
What happened to YOLO? (You only live once)
My life revolves around CCA and School.
Not even God. CCA has taken over my Saturdays.
How many times can I say I have been to cell/service this year?
Feel so flustered now.
Every weekend is spent either A) Studying for tests or B) CCA
Isn't life supposed to be fun and free?
I need to live.
Like truly live.
Go out and live!
Bio test and lit test tmorrow but im like ah meh.

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