Friday, December 19, 2008

hello people.
i hate holidays do you?
so boring!! right now im so bored i could go to school at 6am and not care.
yes its that drastic.
only thing to look forward too, (i think, really doubt) going out with my cousin's soon to be girlfriend joanne! but shes super busy with who knows what at her sucky job so yea. and later that day going to have dinner woth family because its christmas eve! cousins cooking. dunno if nice yet leh, never try before. supossedly nice... hmmmmm. andandand on christmas guess what im doing?NOTHING. i am going to be stuck at home on christmas. how sucky is that??? rotting again with my sister. i cant even go holiday! my parents dun want. somemore got First Lego League which we are so gonna fail! i must presnt this 20min crappy presentation someone save me seriously. its so hard. Climate Change. ok i like watching stuff about it but presenting a Technical presentation about it is just crazy!!
someone save me before i die!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


hey people.
yea i know havent post for a long time.
i have been spending my holidays stuck at home doing absolutely nothing.
only going to church and on two days went out with nicholas(cousin) and his girlfriend(i think?) joanne. andand atempted to go out with mom and sis on one sunday. see how boring holidays can be?
well last night i sms-ed joanne just to know some information on some words that she likes to use. (: even though i am not related to her in any way what so ever, she was like super nice and actually cared . i just thought, why do people do the things they do? like dolling themselves up, do they do it just to look pretty? if everyone says that we are all pretty in God's eyes, why do they bother? is it so inportant to look pretty? whatever u do in earth in heaven doesnt really matter right? if God made us the way we are, why should we try to change it? is it insecurities? or what?
u see these are things that people obsess about. i mean seriously. look at my sister and practically all her friends, they care so much about hair. but being pretty aint a sin. quoted by sister. or am i just crazy? yea i think im crazy. thats the reason why i dun have fringe. i dont really think i have to have fringe and cut to some strange shape just to look "pretty" or or just do what everyone is doing! ahh i have finally found a reason why. people think just because the other person has fringe then she runs to the hairdresser and cuts the same fringe. whats the real meaning of life anyway? or am i just entering a stage which somehow NOBODY else is going through.... is that true? im like always thinking about what life's about and stuff. like how am i NOT materialistic? unlike everyone? i dont care much about how i look OR what i wear. as quoted by joanne; "i have got a good head on my shoulders." well not really i dont think my state of mind is something to be proud of. nonono. its just really confusing. get what i mean?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

yo people of earth!
im happy!
i got second in class!!!
im getting an award for award's night!
well at least i think...
sad thing is school year is almost over....
then next year PSLE le.
do u people think that we are changing class?
if u think, write it on my tagboard! (which i say is DEAD)
charity jin tian going china!
wish them a safe trip
well, 10 days to school end
treasure the days people!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

that was very random!
today i wanna scream
i am going crazy
english was okokokokokokokok!!!!
maths was damndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamn easy!!!
what was Mr Koh thinking when he was setting the paper???????!!!!!!!!!!!
chinese was sucky!!!!!!!!! (i'm gonna get like 50+ only la!)
science... hmmmm. quite easy quite hard. still confident will get A. well at least i think?
i have to breath.
in and out. BREATH!!!!
well in maths mr koh say got 2 or 3 people got A*
*hint hint*
i am 100000000000000000000000000% sure sheryl got 99/100 for maths
because he say someone got 79/80.
duh sheryl!!
so good lor.
charity can go SHANGHAI
if i get A* for maths i will scream!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i shall scream now

Friday, October 17, 2008

yo people!
it is PSLE marking day...
i am mugging like siao.
maths is easy.
chinese is B-O-R-I-N-G
science is ???
i dun know what to study!!!!!!!
i email mrs thamboo but she never reply.
jyjy everyone!
happy mugging!

Friday, October 10, 2008

overall it was a great day la. i think... i was blowing candle and christie "blowed" too. haha!
notice the blue camp t-shirt..

my cake!

imaginative conversation: Gracia: wow christie, have u ever tried this amazing sunblock?(lifts sunblock) its blocks the sun's terrible rays! come help us demonstrate this wonderful product." Christie: u just spray it on your hand like shown above and wipe on your face! its just wonderful. lovely!" Both: Buy it today! only $10!

the water hurt alot! hmph!

sister,me,zsa zsa,nicholas and his gf.

Monday, October 6, 2008

it was my bday like 5 days ago.
yet no present?
and i got a new blogskin
and im lovin it!
good luck everyone for compo on friday!
lots of love,

Monday, September 29, 2008

why is it that no one seems to be able to be forgiven in this crude world?
people just want them to suffer in their guilt
wrap them up in their little fingers and twirl them around and around
is there a single person who can forgive and forget.
urgh i dare u to slap me.
let me see what happens
you are not innoecent.
is it your aim to hurt me?
i already apologized.
what more do u want?
write u a card?
pay you?
i've done all i think i can do
if you did not hear it enough.
WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm sorry.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

me is fustrated.
you know, now i hate 5 charity.
they get to go shanghai because "their teacher is free"
i believe its because they are smart.
its not fair!!!!
isnt it unfair?
how come charity can go china we cant??
they think we are dumb issit?
ms ng is so unfair.
only bring her class
she not busy meh?
then other teacher busy she not busy?
i am not believing that reason.
urgh its so unfair.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hello people..
oral is like in 9 days?!!
should i make my blog private??
im bored anyway....
i got a new blogskin...
its nice right??
my sister's friend gave me the skin..
oh just grow up.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

im bored...
and i still got ting xie havent learn...
does anyone know jiaxuan new blog url??
i cannot find anyone with her new link
tomorrow is wednesday
and oral is on 25 september.
its already 9 september
that means only got 16 more days.
aiyo aiyo

Thursday, September 4, 2008

havent posted in a long time
yesterday went to a robotics competition
yes i'm in robotics get over it. it rocks ok?
mrs gopal la.
came at 7.50
we are supossed to be at the science centre at 8
by the time we reach there already 8.43
and registration ends at 8.45
all mrs gopal fault.
we come late so can't check light sensor value (for the people who are not in robotics you might have no idea what i'm saying =x
then later they gave us a tag like those in hospital liddat
then mission 1 run 1, some idiot spoiled my jig so my placement of my robot was completely wrong!!!!!
i only got 20/55 points
after two runs.
and that sucks.
man we are very dao mei
everytime competition
the day before everything perfect then on the day everything goes wrong
then on run 2 i repaired my jig then i went to playfield
because we couldn't check the light sensor value, the whole thing went crazy
then in the end it went up the wall
in the end still only got 20 points
surprise mision time
the surprise mission so easy man!
i loveeee my team coordinator!
shes so nice.
my arm thing turn out too short
then cannot get enough sweets
in the end only got 49/75
and the other teams all got 53,54
then yi xuan keep scolding me say what why like that blah blah
you think so easy you do lor
you everyday just sit there scold me only
after yesterday's performance i have to say
byebye Japan!
maybe we will win best newcomer
and then the bees will win best mascot
actually we can win one lor!!!!
i now hate mrs gopal more then i did last time
we work so hard then all because of you.
anyway whole holiday only got 2 day to relax
the rest of the day all got robotics and church
even saturday have robotics competition.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Today i came to school and then went home
got a fever and a teribble headache because of the stupid injection!
Tomorrow i got competition.
Eating macdonalds at science centre.
I only got 71 for science
so overall i got an average of 71.375 for all subjects..
only a B.
a stinkin B
anyway i finally got 7 things on my phone!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I know i haven't been blogging for a long time
busy with PT2...
i'm so happy!
i got an A for maths!
3rd in class somemore
i got A for english oso but not top in class. -__-
chinese only got 60.5 T.T
my life like damn boring..
nothing to blog about...
i like suddenly like the miley cyrus 7 things song
so if anyone have please send to me :DD
nothing to say le

Saturday, August 16, 2008

the blog song will play twice when you click the navagations!! ):
anyway good luck everyone for PT2!!
hello welcome to my blog!
i'll post more in detail later!
leave a tagggg!