Thursday, March 26, 2009


Braces are killing me. never get them
Just hit my surgery scar against a wooden chair.
hurts like shit. never do that too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sleepover? :)

On wednesday i went Sheryl's house to sleepover.
reached her home at 10 am to do the mountain of homework that was waiting to kill us XD
then we went Ben and Jerry. the dempsey hill one!
i ate the damn shiok Cookies and Cream cone icecream.
then we played SCRABBLE. i lost to a 9 year old by alot. pfft.
but i beat sheryl!!
oh scrabble (the real thing) is on friday. yikes!
thennnn her family and i went to labrodor (??) park then we walked around the jungle like place then played at playground. climbed ALLLL the way up to the carpark in the end.
bathed then ate dinner.
we played on her laptop (all her family members have laptops! even her 7 year old sister Tricia!)
watched the 9 o clock show very funny.
she sleeps at 10 pm on a holiday! couldnt really sleep at first but managed to doze off at 11
woke up at (can u believe it?) 8am! wow then played com somemore then had breakfast. mmmm i love eggs sunny side up !
did the rest of PSLE Math which includes 46 pages!! AHH.
we headed for Macritchie Resovior? we cycled about for awhile.
her sister Nicole had some tution so her grandad left me,sheryl and tricia alone with 3 bikes. me and sheryl wanted to go cycle but Tricia was afraid. so i tried teaching her.
then we were wobbling around. tricia isnt exactly as light as she looks!
then she screamed, "MONKEY!"
then i was like huh? then i looked in front of me and a ugly monkey was staring back at me!
in a split second tricia jumped off the bike leaving me falling and the bike landed on me then i screamed and ran to sheryl .
the monkey OPENED THE BAG, put his puny hands in it, grabbed a bun and ran up a tree.
despite all screams from me and sheryl and tricia, the monkey still managed to get it.
*sigh* luckily it was the dreaded yam bread so at least it took something we hate! :D
it was damn scary...
then her grandad came back and we cycled somemore.
sheryl did a super amazing feat!
she made this super sharp turn then BAM!
she fell down the stairs next to it!
BUT a miracle happened!
she didnt even have to get off the bike! it just hailed to a stop.
so lucky! and no one saw it!! only tricia.
my jaw dropped in awe.
we went back and played moreeee.
then at 8.50? my dad came and fetched me home.
that was the sleepover. it was so fun.
oh yea schools reopened yesterday.
*sigh* alot of people cut hairrr.
now i have to do my review 3
I HATE NETS. *yawns*

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Bday Mommy! :D

i realise people dont really read my blog now do they?
thats sad. :(
family fun day was sorta fun.
i kinda sorta overslept then when i woke up i ran out of bed and dashed to the family fun day.
PHEW! made it like 3 mins before they started.
ran like siao lor. damn tiring.
thennnn went and find christie
then walk walk lor. not exactly very fun...
then watched the singing abit.
Angela was good. heard Ardja won singing Love Story.
im sick of that song!
dancing was adorable.
i met my new found friend Berlyn and wished her luck.
she is Candice's buddy sister.
they dance damn cute!
Candice and Angela also danced really well.
then i played "Pick me up" with christie and managed to collect 25 big balls! yay!
we were in a panick mode because at first i was helpless while these p1 kids are like happily picking them up.
then bused home with christie and played com awhile.
SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT MSN IS! or she doesnt have it
she was like "wow so thats MSN?"
*shakes head*
then i bused to J8 to give sis guitar.
went to church after that.
today is Mommy's Bday! happy bday! went to Johor Bahru to see my baby cousin Megan.
it costs $40 to take a taxi from Singapore to Malaysia.
what a rip off but anyway had fun.
tomorrow sleeping over at Sheryl's house.
hope i have fun though.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today hmmm had some talk by Mrs Seah.
wow its like PRESSURE MUCH?
i know im in the "must get A*" part for English and Math!
im so scared for PSLE now.
my targeted T-Score=240
or more maybe.
i know its stupid to aim so high but i know i can do this (:
my aim is 2 A*s and 2As.
A for Chinese and Science.
i know i can do this! yes i can man!
but it all depends on our cohort remember T-score?
so everyone! either you all do really bad and our T-score is damn low or we do really well and our T-score is damn high! you might think im crazy for thinking so far into the future but i really care ! (:
maybe i wanna go Payar Lebar Medodist. what the heck im not a true Sigaporean i cant spell Payar.
its a good school cut off mark: 247! ahhhhh.
maybe i will appeal. or maybe not.
i can do this okay? im not allowed to doubt myself. okay this post is all about PSLE.
sorry! i turn paranoid sometimes. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

hellllllllllllllo. im not afraid to tell my marks cause' man im happy about it!!!!!
CHINESE! *OFFS CAPSLOCK* it was baddddd 67/100 bleh
andddd today i got SCRABBLE TRAINING!!!!!! missed HE but dun really care! went and played against Da Qiao Primary School! i saw our old school now it UWCSEA (figure out urself what it means). sad la. i won this little p5 girl by 63 points. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? sheryl LOST TO A P5 WEIRDO WHO'S HALF MENTAL. muahahhaahah
im full of freakin adrenaline. BRING IT ON MAN!!!
yea well thanks for reading. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

PTs are over! YESS!
English.. hmmmnm it was.... okay okay la. im quite confident!
Math.. AHH. it was wow damn hard i have never ever ever encountered any of the question in the paper before. dammit. but it was okay i can get like 70-90 liddat. MRS GOPAL is going to return us our papers tomorrow. yikes!
Chinese.. okay okay la. the first comphre i didnt understand what the heck it was talking about but i think i can get my 70 haha.
Science/Today.. hmm it was alright. some questions really easy and stuff i really regret not reading the activity book. stupid spins. pfft. but other then that it was fine.
im so happy we only have 4 subjects. phew! *whipes of sweat*
tomorrow im going scrabble (YAY!! i got in!!!!!!!!!!!) . excited much?
today i spent 2 hours teaching Veronica how to play scrabble! sorry veronica i caused you to skip ur I-masters.
tomorrow got friendly game. WHY WHY WHY christie must you quit scrabble :(
well im going to go eat dinner so uh bye! *waves*

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hello people !
i know tomorrow is chinese PT but i dont really care. really.
math today was uh okok la some very hard but i managed to finish all in the last 2 min?
english was pretty easy i guess im sure of getting my target.
science ! *Shivers* im so scared for it. science is never my best subject.
chinese tomorrow must work on my chinese skills!
got to go already. need to start cramming!