Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today hmmm had some talk by Mrs Seah.
wow its like PRESSURE MUCH?
i know im in the "must get A*" part for English and Math!
im so scared for PSLE now.
my targeted T-Score=240
or more maybe.
i know its stupid to aim so high but i know i can do this (:
my aim is 2 A*s and 2As.
A for Chinese and Science.
i know i can do this! yes i can man!
but it all depends on our cohort remember T-score?
so everyone! either you all do really bad and our T-score is damn low or we do really well and our T-score is damn high! you might think im crazy for thinking so far into the future but i really care ! (:
maybe i wanna go Payar Lebar Medodist. what the heck im not a true Sigaporean i cant spell Payar.
its a good school cut off mark: 247! ahhhhh.
maybe i will appeal. or maybe not.
i can do this okay? im not allowed to doubt myself. okay this post is all about PSLE.
sorry! i turn paranoid sometimes. :)

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