Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Bday Mommy! :D

i realise people dont really read my blog now do they?
thats sad. :(
family fun day was sorta fun.
i kinda sorta overslept then when i woke up i ran out of bed and dashed to the family fun day.
PHEW! made it like 3 mins before they started.
ran like siao lor. damn tiring.
thennnn went and find christie
then walk walk lor. not exactly very fun...
then watched the singing abit.
Angela was good. heard Ardja won singing Love Story.
im sick of that song!
dancing was adorable.
i met my new found friend Berlyn and wished her luck.
she is Candice's buddy sister.
they dance damn cute!
Candice and Angela also danced really well.
then i played "Pick me up" with christie and managed to collect 25 big balls! yay!
we were in a panick mode because at first i was helpless while these p1 kids are like happily picking them up.
then bused home with christie and played com awhile.
SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT MSN IS! or she doesnt have it
she was like "wow so thats MSN?"
*shakes head*
then i bused to J8 to give sis guitar.
went to church after that.
today is Mommy's Bday! happy bday! went to Johor Bahru to see my baby cousin Megan.
it costs $40 to take a taxi from Singapore to Malaysia.
what a rip off but anyway had fun.
tomorrow sleeping over at Sheryl's house.
hope i have fun though.

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