Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Did someone break your heart inside,you're in ruins

hows your umm, *checks date on com* Wedneday, 2 September 2009?
good? mine was okayokayokay lah
thanks to Ms Le's boringness, we only got time to go through booklet B which i got 54/65. booohooooo. that sucks.
as i predicted, i really did get 90! and Mrs Yeong wouldnt give me that 1/2 mark or 1 mark. i started cursing like ALOT then laura slapped me and told me to stop.
well its good, i improved. although the marks still suck. i got 70/90 for chinese. overall havent calculate yet. but i improved by 2marks!! YAY ME.
HALF BAKED NO MOREEEEEE. I GOT 79!! *throws confetti in the air*
actually i deproved by 1 mark BUT im still overjoyed!!

i cant wait to get my overall marks for English and Chinese. i wanna get A for chinese!! *prays hard*. i hope i improve for English since its official, I BEAT SHERYL FOR COMPO. EAT MY DUST!!! although my dust isn't that tasty. :D

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