Thursday, September 10, 2009

hiheyhello ;

how were PTs?
Math and Englis were easy.
Science was like uhhh. i got 52/60 for section A. highest is 56. now that sucks.
Chinese was sort of maybe abit easy.
i got 46/60 for section A. i very happy le. if i get 29 more marks(duh its possible!), i can get A!!! WOOOHOO. if i got the same marks for section B as prelims(33.5) i would get 79.5 round up is 80!!!!! WOOOHOOO. *runs around*

oh yeah, i got 77/95 for prelim english. booo.
i got 81 for science prelim! . i plus 1.5 marks! yayyyy. but i neither improved nor deproved.

so now just have to wait for other results and my report book to know the verdict! :DDDDD
and the best part? i didnt even study at alllll. i was playing the whole time and my mom claimed i would fail and then she laughed.
whos laughing now? :DDDDDDDDD

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