Friday, October 16, 2009

Tagged yo ;D

What is your name? Gracia ((:
What is your age? 12
What are you wearing now? Mickey Mouse shirt and random pink shorts i found in my closet? XD
Any accessories on you? Nope. I hate earrings.
Do you have nail polish on you? Nope. im not vain.
Describe yourself: nothing special, just me.
Are you a girl or a boy? Girl :D
What's your favourite colour? Light purple, pink, yellow and lily white.
What school are you from? CHIJ-OLGC(not for long!)
What's your hair colour? Brownish black.
Colour of your eyes? Same as hair
What is your religion? Christian. in God we trust! :D:D
Do you think you look good? Hmm.

Last movie: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? (it was quite stupid)
Last thing you bought: ummmm, class photos? i paid $6 !
Last game you played: Neopets?
Last time you bathed: about 2.20pm?
Last call you made: 123456789#*0. Sheryl made the call. it ended up at Starhub! then we hung up.
Last call you received: MOMMY!
Last missed call: DADDY!
Last person IMed: Laura
Last person SMS-ed: Mommy?
Last person SMS-ed you: Candice

Last message: Gracia you sleeping over at my house? (Candice)
Last message sent out: "I think so" (to Candice)
Model: Sony Eicsson T707? Its on my phone and i cant forget it!
Like your phone? Love it!
Camera functions? Yes! :D

Are you happy with life now? Yeah. PSLE IS OVER!
What is life to you? Hard to describe. im not an Adjetive kind of person.

Tag 8 friends:
NAHH. everyone who has a blog has been tagged! D:

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