Friday, October 16, 2009

no one reads my blog

*pokes title* thats what i just realised.
well, im back to blogging!
PSLE is over.
English was easy
Math was uh screwed up.
Chinese was worse than Math
Science was pretty easy.

you know after PSLE, you think its gonna be so much fun.
because they always tell you, "lets do *insert interesting activity here* after PSLE! i have to study now!" but after PSLE, you realise that that isnt true!
i went out after the Science paper to AMK hub to watch (500) Days of Summer. very interesting movie.
then on tuesday, went to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs at AMK hub AGAIN and then took neoprint AGAIN.
its getting super boring/lame.
i feel sick when anyone mentions AMK hub.
i know, im super weird.

now in school, we do nothing.
"house keeping" neans collecting forms/doing nothing.
"preparation for concert" means surfing youtube for fun/doing nothing again.
beat boxing class is quite fun.
the guy is cool! (:
we can use our handphones in class and no one cares!
i was so worried when mrs yeong came in and i was using my hp but she just breezed past me!
and, two week from now, we're going for excursions!
monday is Sentosa
tuesday is Botanic Gardens
and wednesday is Marina Barrage.
pretty cool.
im in the Nativity Play too.
I'm king bla some thing some thing that no one can pronounce.
pretty excited about that!

next week, the whole week no school!
and contrary to what everyone says, its not good
my mom forbids me to go out so im stuck at home for a weeeeek!
im probably going to wake up at 1-2pm the whole week and slack.
life after PSLE is really boring.
after like, what, ONE day, you get bored of the com/tv?
you dont even bother to read anymore because PSLE is over!
theres no point in reading!

i think im going to change my blog URL..
dont you just love my blogskin?
theres this elegance that drew me to it.
and im loving the underline/italic!
its pretty!

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