Sunday, May 30, 2010

I know better

I shall attempt to write.

"Alice clenched her fist, as the drugs began to peak. A smile of joy arrived on her face. But sedation changed to panic and nausea. Her breath started to shorten, her heartbeat pounding softer. She pounded her fist against her secluded room. "It was never supposed to turn out this way", she whispered to herself. Faint memories of a once serene life clouded her lifeless eyes.

She was a gratifying young girl. Daughter to a rich lawyer, or at least used to be. Named after the zany and peculiar Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Alice always knew she was destined for greater heights. However, it all came crashing down that one fateful day.

The sun was beating down on her father's watch, blinding his vision as he struggled to tell the time. Shoot, he mumbled, with a string of profanity following suit. He looked up and anger bubbled from within him. His rival, a lawyer from another company, was chatting up with his wealthy and important client. He sucked up his anger and a radiant and chirpy smile lit up his face as he dashed across the road, determined to give his rival a piece of his mind. But being precarious person, he did not notice the swerving cab coming his way. The pusillanimous driver turned sharply to the right, sending him flying to the side of the road. With blood gushing through his fancy business suit and a crowd forming around him, her father took his last breath.

As soon as the news hit home, Alice broke down into tears. "Daddy, daddy you promised, you promised that you would be at my wedding, my graduation. You, you can't be gone!" She screamed between outburst of tears. But as soon as the mourning was over, came the harsh reality. Apparently her family wasn't as rich as she thought. Her mother's spendthrift overseas trips and her father's horse betting proved to be too much. They were in deep in debt. It seemed like it was just salt to the big gaping wound.

Alas, all hope was not lost. Her mother bought a vacant stall at a famous hawker centre for an affordable price. Alice was devastated at the news. "What if my friends see me? I cannot be seen at such a place! I have already embarrassed myself with the whole debt crisis! Do you want to ruin my life?!", Alice screamed at her mother. It was the first time she was defiant, she was over her tipping point. Alice stormed to her room, gathering a few personal belongings and as much savings as she had. She put on her flats and ran out of the house, destined to escape the harsh reality that she was living in.

She turned to her 'friends', all of which snubbed her. Except one, she offered a job to her; selling drugs. Alice was both appalled and fearful, but she had no choice but to agree. It was her last resort, she had no other choice. The adrenaline rush of dealing drugs soon wore off. Alice needed something to pique her interest so she decided to try just one whiff of Heroine, a very popular drug. But as soon as she took a whiff, her mind wandered away and she felt her knees break under her. She was addicted, no different from another lost soul in the business.

Alice burst into uncontrollable laughter and her head fell backwards. She had a musty smell coming from her, her clothes were tattered and torn. She curled into a ball, giggling along to her hallucinations. She was helpless, she was trapped."

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