Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maybe this time.

Okay, i shall blog a FULL blog post now.

It was world red cross day. ):
We had to fall in at the Sky Bridge, due to the unforeseen rain.
Devotion seemed EXTRA long that day, and the Dr Goh speech by Mr Owyong made me want to stomp over to the hall and cut off the mike!
We were at 'Sedia' position for half an hour!
Just standing there. ):
Pin Yao and this guy called Cun En both could not take it and left.
Then, after the Dr Goh speech, we FINALLY got keluar baris, and we could fall out!
Poor Andrew, just because he forgot his collar pin, he has to wear the FULL uniform on Friday!
Thats UG i guess. *shrug*
The rest of the day passed in a flash.
Fairsian Connect was really sad.
This old teacher was trying to talk to us on School Safety
But the sec 2s were so defiant, they would not keep quiet for even 5 minutes!
Finally, the old teacher gave up and ended Fairsian Connect at like, 2pm!
Poor man, he obviously skipped a lot of his slides.
I wonder what drives the Sec 2s to be so defiant. Hmm.

I don't really remember much about tuesday,
nothing really exciting happened.
OH wait, i was at the school bus stop and these ITE boys(or should i say MEN?)
were smoking like they were oblivious to the other kids(Primary School) at the bus stop who were breathing their toxic air.
I mean, i personally cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke.
It engulfs your lungs and you feel like your lungs are trapped in a cage and they sadistically hold the key.
You know what I mean?

HE was boring, but with Ya Min, nothing is boring! :P
The rest of the day passed pretty quickly(we get released at 1!)
After that, met Nicole to get my postcard! :P
THEN i went to IMM to buy Constance's present.
I realllyyy hope she likes it.
I'm officially broke by buying it! ):

7 days to the holidays! WOOO~

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