Saturday, December 3, 2011

i am a night owl hear me make sounds owls do

LOL JK I sleep at 11 every night.
Since school holidays have started, I seem to be sleeping earlier and earlier!
That's a good thing.. right?

Short post seeing it's getting late and I'm getting tired.
It's either I'm growing OLDDD or I just love sleep.
Hope it's the latter!

On a side note, it's totally creepy when teachers get married and they actually have lives together with children etc.
It's strange. -shudders-

New life goal- to finish a game of monopoly!
Realised today I have never finished a full game before.
Just gave up when i got bored.
So life goal, finish monopoly!

It's getting late, bye reader!

psst: Hi claire.


Intensive Claire Unit said...

*whispers* hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaiiiiiiii

Kelda said...

ohmyyy i didn't know you still blog here! -Kelda