Friday, January 27, 2012

delicate string of pearls

Hello! :)
I'm feeling particular perky tonight.
Finished Amath homework and only left with ORCA! *grin*
Amath makes me feel accomplished, like my whole education life has not been for nothing and that I'm actually smart. #likeanerd

4 tests next week. Life's getting hectic and I'm real worried for Lit.
My in contempt teacher only started worrying today. Oh no.

Anyway I'm zonked out today (Zzzz)
So i'll blog more tomorrow!
Excited about this weekend.
It's gonna be a good one :]

Thursday, January 26, 2012

day 1 of lurking

I feel like going to the beach and lying in the sea and float away.
Should probably start revising bio/lit/Amath/SS but eh.

Day 1 of lurking was okay.
I've decided that I should be focusing more on nurturing my buddy and bringing her out of her shell more than anything else.
Will make a more conscious effort to leave house earlier to meet her at the door :>
Show her I'm a good buddy :)
Happy she got 'serious' with me today (Ironic if you don't get it haha)
Hope tomorrow she'll be more confident as we start doing MY class.
Will slowly start asking her out for dates to get to know her more than on the superficial level
Really hope she's enjoying Council thus far. :')

Anyway! Studies wise, it's been okay so far.
It's lovely sitting next to Alvina with Kelda and Jasmine in front and Theodora and Ya min at the back.
Feel happy that people around me are so nice :>
Specially Alvina. She's been SO nice recently and it's so warming.
Specially when she bought me tissue after recess when she saw me sniffing like a weirdo during Chinese.
Have to get her something over the weekend for her nice-ness. :]

This is a stark difference from the previous post but I realised today that bad things happen and shit happens but what defines us is how we rise after we fall.

In summary of this blog post, I've decided to be more positive and focus on the important things in my life right now eg. My buddy rather than what people in Council think of me and change my thinking and personality(tweak it like a knob on a big machine).

Day 1 of lurking = success. :]

Okay I should probably go revise some stuff before the guilt of slacking consumes me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

they scream, the worst things in life come free to us

So a couple of things have been happening so far, and lately I've been feeling like someone's been going inside of me and taking a pair of scissors and cutting the strings of my heart one by one and I'm slowly sinking in the dark depths of my insides.

Is it bad to assume the best in people? Assume that everyone is really who they are on the outside and behind their glittering facade they don't whisper other assumptions to other people. Maybe assuming anything out of anyone(good or bad) is really making an Ass out of U and Me.

In their defence(I think swords and armoury), maybe I should stop being this or that, or maybe I should stop trying to want to be liked so much. /if my porcelain white teacher were here, maybe she would critic my use of maybe/

It would be selfish to assume(har har) that I'm perfect that it's other people who hate on me. ('hate on me' plays in the background) I think that I should be more socially aware and sensitive? A part of me goes 'what good would that do? People already hate you'. True subconscious Gracia. I think it's more of the effort than anything? Maybe trying to be different will help. Yes. I will be different! (This sounds more of convincing myself to change).

I wish I could disappear(No I'm not suicidal). Maybe restart school as a clueless lil' sec 1. That would be lovely.

It's too cold outsideFor angels to flyAngels to fly To fly, flyFor angels to die