Friday, March 16, 2012

good golly

So. Today I had a near death experience and it really scared me.
Firstly, how scary asthma can be and secondly, how fragile life can be :/
Le sigh.

I think I really have a thing for puppies. And kittens. And all things fluffy and cute.
I can't even. I really need to hug all of them!!! *cuteness instincts on*

Camp was okay, I think the main thing I've learnt is.. it's not about getting things done fast enough and on time.. it's about caring for your batchmates and not being selfish. Things can go well but if the process of getting there was filled with sloppy and selfish behaviour then the whole thing is a flop! Yupp. That's LTC in 4 lines. Hurhurhur.

Mum's buying KFC for dinner. I could eat a cow at this point.

Speaking of cows, when they changed the hike venue to Sentosa, Sam the qtpi exclaimed "WE CAN'T GO TO SENTOSA! WE DON'T EVEN HAVE OUR PASSPORT. FOOOLS!" and then I looked at her and said "Dear, you know we dont need a passport right?" "Wait.. where's sentosa again?" she's about the cutest qt pi you'll ever meet :')

Rescue Mission went great, our route was great and everyone's morale was up. But as said, the process of getting there and everything was kind of filled with selfish behaviour and thus everything negative overpowered the positives.. :(

NEVER MIND. People develop from the negatives! :D

Really thankful for people like Charm who really cared when I was at my vulnerable state and she tried real hard to comfort me. Love you charm though you'll never read this. :')))) Really glad to have Claire too for accompanying me before camp and buying water. I love you spoooooon(:

Hospitalised and out alive all in 1 day. Exciting day :)

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