Tuesday, March 13, 2012

i wish i was an elephant

Then i could stomp over all the mean people in my life.
Ha.ha.ha just jokkkinnng (no really)

So, term 1 is over. march holidays are here!
Isn't it strange, it's been 10 weeks with 3B and I feel no difference from when I first stepped in.
Okay maybe new friendships have been formed but nothing more than the superficial level.
However, I feel that with 2012, I can count on more people? Learnt who is my friend and who isn't.
You woud think once you leave a girls' school, drama is over. LIES.
Theres a drama club here too!! Hahaha (that was a jokeee)

I think I've gotten quite close to Alvina and that is lovely to me :]
We even have monthly dates at Holland V now! Ka chinggg
I've also gotten closer to Claire, which is also lovely. Double lovely.
Record number of times having meals in one week: 4! Insaneeeee.
But somehow, i don't feel that icky feeling of being with someone for too long
Everytime I hang out with her it's always fun and full of nonsense yet we're able to have serious convos as well. I love you dear! :]

Currently explaining Girl world to ginyong HAHAHA
In girl world... I feel like I'm in mean girls hurhur

Anywaaayyy.. studies wise.
Lots of Bs, only gives me motivation for Term 2?
At least I have more than 1 A! Ha.ha.ha.

Top 3 huggers of ma life:
1) Claire (oh yeah)
2) My dad
3) My Mum

I think my parent's love for hugs have stemmed MY love for hugs hurhur
My future spouse has to love hugs, if not we can't be together. I won't be able to survive! haha

Very all over the place post but in short: term 1 has been a whirlwind and I hope term 2 is like a ferris wheel. Going slow but steady but still going. :>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*feels all warm and fuzzy inside* we need to hug soon! the 10 minutes of hugging from that day is no where near sufficient to last me till this saturday D: