Thursday, January 10, 2013

of sickness and results

Been sick this week, and I realise how much I appreciate sleep and rest
First week of being Sec 4 is almost over and in all melodramatic-ness, i'm so tired 
After seeing the release of the O level results today, I feel so scared and stressed
And starting to wonder what I've been doing with my holidays and my life these 2 months during the break.
And what I really want to score for O levels, is it 8? Where do I want to go? How am I going to achieve my goal? When are you gonna go hardcore grauiv?

Kind of really clueless for Bio, which worries me because I took for granted the A for EOY and was a sotong during extended curriculum so now I'm all DDDD:
Chinese is also stressing me out because my teacher enjoys giving us all the answers while we just copy and when I try I always feel like I have so many ideas but I can't put them into words.
The chinese department also printed all the cheng yus from Sec 1-4 that are in our TB which is nice, but also incredibly stressful :(
Over the weekend, I guess I have to catch up on revision for Bio, Chinese, Chem and my Combined Humans.
Jam packed weekend ahead :/

In other news, my sister's co-worker keeps stealing money from her.
People nowadays.

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