Thursday, April 2, 2009

ahhhh on Saturday im going to my FIRST ever Scrabble National Competition! I feel i let my team done on the S1 Cluster as i only won 1/2 of the games. and i didn't even win the game by a large margine! Sheryl the best player won by hmmm 100 points plus! and Veronica, wow I'm SUPER proud of her!! its her first time playing scrabble in a competition and i only taught her how to play like 2 days before! And she won 1/2 of the games! She even beat the Head prefect of the school! wow. well she tied but out of pure skill she won.I'm sure she can do even better at Nationals! and now my friend Christie will be joining us! she couldnt go to the Cluster as she went to Honng Kong. she is really good at Scrabble too! I'm super super super excited! I know im not going to win but its the experience im hungry for! AND for the first time in my whole life, im going to take a LONDON CAB!! with mrs fernendez, veronica,me,sheryl and christie oh yea and denise (from charity). wowowowowow. its like super expensive! the game is gonna be damn tedious! 3 games=3 hours! and its from 12-6.30! wow. im soo excited!! AHHH.

PS: im too lazy to actually type out a real post. maybe later. thats why it sounds so reflective but ya got the message.

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