Wednesday, April 22, 2009

lets start from yesterday:
21 April 2009
went to Science Centre for DNA detective.
it was soooo fun.
played with DNA, found the murderer using this $600 gel
and inserted DNA through a $500 micropipett(i remembered? :O)
and then we used this cool electirc thing to heat up the DNA. but nonono i am not going to become a forensic pathologist.
ate A TON of ruffles! like one cheese bag from Amanda Lee on the way back then one barbeque from me and one more cheese (she gave me the whole thing!) from chloe! thanks chloe!
and i bought a chocolate bar from the Curiousity gift shop and in the end i didnt even eat it.
i dropped the micropipett like 5 times it made a stupid sound then everyone turns to me.
and Sheryl the dodo brain, left her phone on then in the middle of the thing it rang damn loudly! gosh.
it was a great day all in all.
OH. and i got a bravo for The Journey thing. OH YEA! *feels proud*
had PE first period. OH YEA I GOT MY GOLD! 24 points, 1 c, 4 Bs, 1 A.
after that i went up for mrs gopal.
then Mrs yeong called us to go back to class.
i was like huh? then annemarie said that Winse's money got stolen
then of course, got a tough scolding from Mr Koh. (again!)
then (WTH?) everyone was forced out of the class while mrs yeong checked our wallet..
then me and christie were called out.
i was thinking: " YOU THINK I WOULD STEAL?!?!"
then he checked our wallets then surprise surprise made us check EVERYONE'S BAG!
including books and everything.
we searched everyone.
boy oh boy i felt like i had so much authority!
found interesting things but no money.
haha okay i searched the whole class hou, which was like 30mins of painstakingly searching through everyone's books and bags, we returned to mrs gopal to get more hw, AIYA!
then Mr Koh say he will search the CCTV camera and "last chance" but no one.
then later got science. we went com lab (yay!)
everyone was buzzing with excitement with who did it.
then after that Mr Koh called us alll back to the com lab and picked out 6 people loitering round the piano.
interogation time!
then one by one they came down and were all like phew!
then Titi said that she saw Santhiya crying outside before getting interogated.
then while i was eating Lor Mee (which rocks?) with Christie and Sheryl, we saw Mr Koh with Santhiya and Mr Poon going to the Office. busted.
but like Santhiya is so nice (well mostly!). i even sit next to her!
then later i searchedx her bag again and found Winse's notebook and Sabrina's Journal. *gasp*
i wouldnt have believed it unless i saw it myself.
christie and sabrina heard police sirens after recess. gosh.
then everytime someone opened the door, everyone will raise their heads then go back once they figure out its not Santhiya, she was missing for the whole of English,Science and during chinese Mrs yeong came and took her bag claiming she was "sick".
then after school i called my mom then me and christie talked to her and mrs yeong said that she kept the money in her bag. poor thing.
then i asked whats gonna happen? she said "dont know. must wait for Mr Koh to come back." LIKE WTH? they really went? and according to her, santhiya tomorrow coming to school.
i dont know whats gonna happen.
and congratulations if u read this far.
now got PSP to do.
bye! :B

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