Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm being taken over by the fear

i've got PSP,PSLE,My Pals,EL hw
ahhh. oh PLUS!
The Journey's due tomorrow and havent started.
okay today was like boring.
i swear like morning "remedials" are a waste of my time!
like when we have mornings, our real maths lessons are like so damn boring!
just sit around and do the hw she assigns us.
we finished Nets like 2 weeks ago and yet she doesnt want to start on Circles.
and today sabrina was like "gracia!" then i was like "yea?" "I LIKE UR BOUNCY SQUEAKY CHAIR! switch with me later okay?" i was like okay.. then when i turned around and started walking back, she said "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" and i was like HUH? weird...
and yesterday was really weird.
when i came back from Supplementry class i fell on my bed and fell asleep then i woke up at 7 and learned ting xie and did other hw then i fell asleep at 10.30 and now im still tired! im weird. :B

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