Thursday, December 3, 2009

i see the best of me inside your eyes;

HEY! i havent updated in like FOREVER.
well, for PSLE results, i didnt do as well as i wanted to but im satisfied. :)
okay, i'll blog about what has happened this past week.
i woke up at 11?
then texted/called Juel about the sleepover.
then at about 1? i left the house and MRT-ed from Jurong East to Punggol
its like a killer. :O
then finally reached Meridian LRT at about 2.30pm.
met Juel at the LRT station and walked to her house.
ate really nice noodles for lunch while Juel just stared at me.
then we ate jelly and retreated to her room and just talked until 4.15
ohoh and she played guitar for me and i sang along. (who knew she liked Avril Lavigne?)
then at about 4.15, met hyperactive Natalie and walked to the Playground to meet Leening and her cousin.
we attempted to play basketball but instead decided to play Touch Monkey which i have never heard of until that day.
quite fun but Leening sabo-ed me and i was kinda pissed off(but im not anymore! :P got paybackkkk.)
then Natalie, Juel and I decided to go to this shop okay you cant really call it a shop, ITS A WINDOW! theres this maid that opens the window then you can buy ice pop/drinks/cup noodles from her! cool huh? i thought it was a real store!
after Natalie tried to ring the doorbell, (theres a doorbell! TO A WINDOW!) , the maid didnt open the window so we just sat down on the walk/pathway and talked about boys and stuff.
i got so desperate then i stepped on the sort of kinda ladder and started banging the window until i gave up.
i believe Natalie took a picture of me doing it ? =x
after failing, we went to the playground and juel and natalie and leening climbed this thingy that is hard to describle while i sat at this spinning thing alone at the side.
i wasnt exactly alone, i was observing them(like how sheryl observes people when she seems to be a loner, she is actually a pretty unique person. smartass.) and they sure are different from our school. wait, our former school. :)
then someone exclaimed "THE STORE IS OPEN!" or something like that then we ran to the window and "ordered"(can you call it ordering?!) alot of ice pops.
then we sat down under, no, next to the playground thingy and happily sucked our ice pops.
juel and i decided to buy more ice pops after finishing ours.
then they moved to the fitness corner and they talked about their school stuff which i could, in no way, relate to. :D
then, since Juel and i had to be back at her home before 6.30, left early with Natalie and we walked back.
we talked about NIGAHIGA and joked about Vanessa Hudgens and IM A CHINGSTAH. funny shit. :P
then when we reached home, juel turned on the com and we talked to SYAZAAAA and facebook-ed for a really short while then we ate dinner.
we ate dinner alone and i might have gorged the fish's eyeball and squished it.
it was really gross but totalllllyyyyy fun! :P:P
then i bathed first while juel played the com then when i was done, juel proceded to go bathe.
i talked to SYAZAAAA and showed her my AWESOME chicken little PJs and we happily talked. :) WE ARE NOW LESTIES! joke of the day, as what Juel calls it. :P
then we messed around with her webcam and posted the spastic photos on Facebook and we checked out (or as i like to call, STALKED) random people on Facebook and Juel dared me to type on this guy Jeffrey's wall saying "HI JEFFREY. YOU'RE TIGHT DAWGGG." and i actually did it! :P then on the comment box, i wrote "ANSWER ANSWER!" then juel and i started laughing like crazy. XD
then we chatted with Geno Justin- this random hot guy that Juel added and he didnt get any of our jokes.. :(
then he suddenly went offline and juel said she blames me. :P
then we did some other stuff on facebook that i cant really say. :P
then later, time really flies!, at like 11, we turned off the com and got ready to go to sleep.
juel and i carried the couch into her room in between random bursts of laughter. haha. :)
then( i use the word "then" ALOT.) at about 11.20, her dad asked us if we wanted to eat MAGGEE MEE. i swear, her family is the coolest family ever! which other family eats Maggee Mee at 11.30pm?! then i ate some chicken flavoured maggee mee and juel tried Lor mee for the first time. it tasted really vinegar-ish which is GREAT. :)
then after that, we decided to go to sleep but we ended up talking until 1.40am! i dont know how we did it, but we did it! :P:P
we kept singing random lines out of random songs RAWR RAWR OOLALA. :P:P
i woke up from my mom calling me at 9am and juel woke up at like 10?
then we talked and laughed and sang until about 11.30 then i went to bathe cause i had to meet my mom at 1 at DOVER.
i made the bed for Juel and i folded her comforter for her and i get one "Thanks" from juel. pfft!
then we ate Lunch. SPAGHETTI WITH BACONNNN. okay, i dont really like spaghetti but it was really good and the bacon was AWESOME! :)
then Juel walked me to the LRT station then i MRT-ed to meet my mom then went home.
haha, the sleepover was the funnest/bestest sleepover ever!
and juel told me i was the first person to sleepover at her house! awww.

and yesterday, (wednesday) i just slacked at home and played com/watched TV.
i have a feeling today is going to be exactly the same. XD

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