Friday, December 11, 2009

today was super awesome! :)
well, met Sheryl at AMK's Pepper lunch
then waited for Abigail to come (SHE WAS LATE!!)
then we sang our Pepper Lunch song to Abigail while eating our Pepper lunch. :D
finished eating at about 5?
then went to Popular and looked at books for awhile.
btw abigail, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH BEING A BOOKWORM ! i love books. :D t
hen we took MRT to orchard and attempted to get lost in ION.
but instead, we just started going around in circles.. HAHA. :D
then at the Apple Store, i saw this laptop which when you move it around, it shows on the bigger screen.
i wrote on the address bar something like " The thinnest and lightest MacBook EVAAAAA!!!! I'm helping you promote the MacBook BY THE WAYYYY." then on the google search engine, i wrote "loveeeeee, gracia, sheryl and abigail." hahahaaha!
then some lady with the sales assistant walked past and stared at the address bar then i freaked out and ran out of the store with Abigail and Sheryl while laughing manically. (if thats a word.. hmmm)
then walked around somemore and then decided to go to the Lido cinema since it was gettting late.
then, we walked out of ION and played with the water and went inside this HUMONGOUS christmas tree.
then saw this group of Caucasian people walk in, they were like in total awe. (we were too!)
BUT THEN, this girl, she was like "OHHHH CHRISTMAS TREE!" then she did this ballerina thing where you jump into the sky and try and do a split.
BUT SHE COULDNT DO IT!! she was like crazy or something.
then sheryl and i started laughing like crazy, then abigail soon joined in! :P
then walked over to Wisma to Borders to check out more books.
then realised it was late so we ran to Lido(i dont know why we were running..)
then bought our snacks. OMG. the popcorn bucket was SUPER big and the drink was equally SUPER big. and we also bought nachos. MMMM, NACHOOOOS. :D
then, we walked into the theatre and WOAH, the theatre looked more like a STADIUM than a theatre! and we were ALLLLL THE WAYYY AT THE BACKKKK.
but the movie was funny! EXTREMELY LAME, but funny. (we watched Planet 51 btw) then my dad sent sheryl and abby home. overall, it was a great day. full of laughter and jokes . IM GOING TO MISS YOU ABIGAIL AND SHERYL! <3

ohoh, this is a special dedication to my lestie. HI LESTIEEEEE!! see? you got a special dedication! <3 LOVE YOUU! (lestie moment!! :D)

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