Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday morning rain is falling

Okay, so it isn't really a Sunday, nor is it Morning.. -awkward-
Anyway, just some random updates in case you cared or anything.
1) FDC
It's coming in *checks watch* 4 days! Gosh. I'm REALLY worried. I mean, I've been told that I have to have this mindset that we WILL and MUST win. Erm.. pressure much? I HOPE to win? And i want to win? Yeah. Really worried right now.
2) Grades
So I'm doing pretty crappy so far in terms of grades due to *points to point 1* sigh.
Really need to do much better if I ever wanna get into triple science stream. :/ After fdc, HARD CORE MUGGING HERE I COME! I can do it! Now that I have a mindset that i WILL and MUST get into triple.

Anyway my life has been revolving around those 2 things.
I'll post again when more things start happening! :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dancing in the moonlight

Hello! ( :
Today was a really good day.
I wore a dress out to a family gathering at the Fullerton Hotel(This really fancy hotel in case you didn't know) and I felt.. pretty.
I think for the first time today, I walked with confidence and felt that I looked.. good.
My hair was nice and i looked nice in my dress(or at least I think i did) and i felt.. pretty!My cousin's friend Desiree who is 25 said when I was walking, I didn't hunch today.
Which is a HUGE thing cause I always hunch when I walk.
It makes me happy to not feel insecure/ugly for once. ( :

Listening to Adele now.
"Someone like you" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qemWRToNYJY) and "Rolling in the deep" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEDA3JcQqw&feature=related) are really good songs.
Makes you really just stop whatever you are doing and just listen.

Anyway, school NDP tomorrow.
First time I'm spending an hour on my badges for my uniform
Plan on polishing boots till SUPER shiny!
I'm kinda excited!
Okay I'm REALLY excited!
Hope tomorrow will go well and I won't faint! *crosses fingers*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You make me twirl, like a circus girl

Hello. I'm currently on the bus home. The air con is blowing and I'm comfortably eavesdropping to the conversation of these two guys complaining about their lives in Singlish. Though they speak in extremely bad English, they make a lot of sense. Kudos to you two Poly students pondering on their future.

Anyway, Chinese test today was pretty okay. Though I wish I had written more. But I don't know if what Mr Kwa says in Lit applies to Chinese. Writing more does not equal to more marks. :/ I'm pretty pleased with my points though, I think they are not common. Heh.
Tomorrow is History's turn. I'm pretty worried... I kinda have an idea of what's gonna come out though. Hmm.
Slept in English today. Kinda disappointed in myself cause English is my worst subject and I'm sleeping in it :/
Have more self discipline Gracia! ):<

We're finally talking again.. But that was after I started the convo.
I don't understand why you never wanna start the convo.. Am I boring?! :/

Stop's here! Bye reader.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Goodbye July, hello august

Happy August reader! I've been trying to find a nice August picture and I've gone through so many August pictures that the word is starting to look weird! AUGUST! Hahaha(:

Its August... In less than a month it'll be FD Com!
I'm not really scared or excited, I'm kind of neutral.
I'm sitting on the fence, though my butt hurts up there.

This post will be kinda short as I have things to do.. like study for chinese!
English today was okay.
I just wrote whatever I felt like writing..
Hopefully I'll get sympathy marks or something! :(
Wish me luck for Chinese tmr! :)