Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday morning rain is falling

Okay, so it isn't really a Sunday, nor is it Morning.. -awkward-
Anyway, just some random updates in case you cared or anything.
1) FDC
It's coming in *checks watch* 4 days! Gosh. I'm REALLY worried. I mean, I've been told that I have to have this mindset that we WILL and MUST win. Erm.. pressure much? I HOPE to win? And i want to win? Yeah. Really worried right now.
2) Grades
So I'm doing pretty crappy so far in terms of grades due to *points to point 1* sigh.
Really need to do much better if I ever wanna get into triple science stream. :/ After fdc, HARD CORE MUGGING HERE I COME! I can do it! Now that I have a mindset that i WILL and MUST get into triple.

Anyway my life has been revolving around those 2 things.
I'll post again when more things start happening! :)

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