Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You make me twirl, like a circus girl

Hello. I'm currently on the bus home. The air con is blowing and I'm comfortably eavesdropping to the conversation of these two guys complaining about their lives in Singlish. Though they speak in extremely bad English, they make a lot of sense. Kudos to you two Poly students pondering on their future.

Anyway, Chinese test today was pretty okay. Though I wish I had written more. But I don't know if what Mr Kwa says in Lit applies to Chinese. Writing more does not equal to more marks. :/ I'm pretty pleased with my points though, I think they are not common. Heh.
Tomorrow is History's turn. I'm pretty worried... I kinda have an idea of what's gonna come out though. Hmm.
Slept in English today. Kinda disappointed in myself cause English is my worst subject and I'm sleeping in it :/
Have more self discipline Gracia! ):<

We're finally talking again.. But that was after I started the convo.
I don't understand why you never wanna start the convo.. Am I boring?! :/

Stop's here! Bye reader.

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