Thursday, November 10, 2011

happiness hit her like a bullet in the brain

Hello dear reader. I'm currently very late for school. Like, "oh crap I was supposed to leave the house at this time but i just woke up!" kind of thing. Anyway, I'm on my way to school now, for this p5 camp that I'm facilitating. I'm not very prepared to be all hyper and loud for this camp, I'm too exhausted to be hyped up. Maybe sleeping at 1 was a bad idea.. I'm pretty sure one or both of my eyes is/are bloodshot. 

So yesterday, I gave another person my blog link (which I think is lovely). I feel that with every new person knowing about this, I feel more and more, bare/ naked? I don't really know how people can talk freely about their problems on the net and be fine with leaving it out there for anyone to see. I feel like once they've uncovered your secrets, they look at you differently and probably even judge you! (That's what I do anyway, I'm quite guilty of that) Doesn't that give you that naked and bare feeling? No 'clothing' as a safe and warm haven to cling on to for safety? Or maybe its just me.

As usual, Im very concerned about safety. Literally and figuratively. I feel that because I've befriended certain people, more people like me now? That's a plus i guess. I've made much more new friends now as compared to the start of the year (yay?) I would say that I feel more comfortable in council now, cause Jamie, Rachael Anisa Magdalene and I are pretty coooool. But Jamie and rachael are really pretty, popular and cool! I feel very intimidated around them cause they have all these equally as popular and cool AND pretty friends! I've never thought of myself as popular, neither have I ever considered I would be popular. I guess awkward people like me are confined to their own social circle and don't get millions of likes on their profile pics or hundreds of followers on twitter. But I don't really mind :]

The bus is moving exceptionally fast today! I'm not going to be late! HUZZAH. :D

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