Thursday, November 10, 2011

crayons can fall on us for all I care

Actually I do mind! Washing off the crayons will be dreadful.

Anyway! It's the holidays now. Hardly a holiday, considering I have to come to school a lot of the time. Streaming results are also out(double). Are you pleased, July Gracia? I'm quite pleased, November Gracia is pleased. If there is one thing I have learnt through this EOY period leading up to streaming, its that grades don't define you at all. This highly contradicts my precious couple of posts but i really have learnt this! Thus, I am pleased with whatever results I have. You must be thinking, "gosh what happened to Gracia?!". Yes, a lot of things have happened and its made me realise much more things than before.

Anyway, its 1:06am so pardon any spelling mistakes. I'll continue this in the morning. My eyelids are closing and i hate touch screen phone keyboards. Gr.

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