Thursday, November 17, 2011

they keep me thinking that we almost had it all

Something that I have discovered as I continue living life..
We make friends, get really close to them and they know all your secrets and then, they leave.
Or rather, you guys grow apart.
What happens to all the secrets, the memories and everything?
All that's left is awkward conversations when you guys try to rekindle the friendship.
Isn't it sad?
Up to now, I have not met a friend who knows my deepest darkest secrets and has stayed with me till the end.
Or maybe I'm just someone who distances themselves from people once I feel I've gotten too close.
Isn't it iroinic?
How i yearn for someone who stays with me yet I push people away.
Life is strange.
We are strange.
Strange is we.
Strange is life.

On a side note, today I slothed at home and watched The Pupil and then proceeded to have dinner with my mother at Clementi Mall. This lovely chinese restaurant that had lovely chicken rice. It was really the loveliest chicken rice ever. *Moans in satisfaction* I enjoy spending time with my Mother. She makes me feel loved and cared for. If only she learnt to be more affectionate.

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