Sunday, February 26, 2012

its to wise men, i want your formula of time

A whirlwind of things have been happening recently.
For the first time this year, I can say time is passing really fast.
Within a couple of months, we'll be taking over and be Unit Leaders!
And Ryan will step down and Rebecca and I will be taking over Journ
ANDDD Claire(Hi dear!) will be stepping down and a new Exco will rise up.
Isn't it scary? I find it really scary
Especially with expectations. :/
It's so easy to step up and assume all the power but with it comes great responsibility and damn I honestly do not want to take over.
Especially if it means I end up like the very seniors I loathe.
Gablargh I wish I was a still a sec 1, not leading them D:

Anyway I passed my 3rd Gold on saturday! Huzzah!
Going to Campsite waaaayyyy tooooooo often. D:
Anyway this is a chirpy post hohoho (see what i did there claire)
Sis is shooo-ing my off the com. Personal post next time :)

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