Monday, February 6, 2012

little miss perfect little missed too

I had a lovely dinner with Claire at a not so lovely little Macdonalds at SP
Realised today, what is the venom we speak is the venom thats spreads and is the very venom that stings us? (I hope you get the overuse of the word Venom :O)
Anyway, my back hurts like qwlqnvonvorwbrobrw and my hand blisters are like asjvnb pain. :(
I guess its all worth it, 12 days left to FAC! Exciting(No not really)
Looking back at posts on FDC, and how I was so hesitant about it then we won, I hope that hesitant(ness) brings forward to FAC! Hahaha I think the more confident you are the harder you fall :/

I feel really mushed up about results and subjects and school.
So much responsibility and so much things to do and so little time and arghh can't wait for FAC to be over then I can study :< (What a nerdd)
But I'm real determined to do well this year. It's not a year to slacken off :/

Chapel tomorrow! Hope I don't fall asleep. Urgh sleepy X 1000 now
Time to do some Amath then Chem then sleep. Oh wait and Chinese now. *groan* CHINESE.
The bane of ma existence yo. :(

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