Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Its the first kiss, its flawless, its really something, its FEARLESS!!

Agenda for tomorrow:
Write a brilliant and KICK ASS composition for English Test.
At least PASS chinese letter writing Test.
Don't frett over Science marks.
Study for BIG geog test which is BIG.

None can comprehend the surge of joy flowing in me at the moment BECAUSE..

I am a happy lady. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When we see you, we find strength to face the day!

My primary 4 art project-a dinosaur! awesome eh?;)
Hello! (:
Today was okay, kinda boring.
Had Pizza Hut after school with ya min, it was so awesome.
tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow.
HE practical!
baking cookies! NOMNOM.
AND chinese compo test!
AND we're getting back our results for science
ANDDD we have PE tomorrow!
So basically, NO LESSONS!
I really love my watch.
She's a beauty.

Monday, April 26, 2010

when i see you cry, it makes me smile(:

Today was okay, better than last monday! :B
Recieved my math test results today. 23/25. ):
LOTS of people recieved 25/25 and BAM, im the only 23. ):
I got 15/20 for my chinese letter writing test.
Quite mediocre if you ask me.

anyway, apparently tricia and chuen wee are dating now or something.
very disturbing! we're barely 13 and you wanna date?
EH, i give them a month or two.
according to my handbook, its 32 days to the holidays!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

i wake up every evening with a big smile on my face

look! i found another photo!
since moving back to Jurong from Hougang, i've found A LOT of old baby photos of me!
I used to live in Jurong until i turned 3 then we moved to hougang but now im back in jurong!
its actually MY birthday in the picture, but my sister was whining so much that my mom bought her a cake even though it was MY birthday.
how funny now that you think about it. (:
anyway, i had my RCY enrolment parade on friday.
it wasnt actually a parade, more of a we're-gonna-sit-in-the-auditorium-for-four-hours-while-you-freeze-your-butt-off.
they cancelled the parade due to lack of practice.
oh well, thats RCY!
it was kinda nice.
i look like a nurse in the uniform, and i have to wear a hairnet!
lunch lady much?
i had a similar parade on saturday, the HQ one.
i had to sit in a hall for four hours listening to an MC who couldnt pronounce a single word.
it came out as the epitome of bad pronounciation.
ouch, that poor girl.
i rushed to church after that, in my red cross uniform!
we packed the rest of the exam packs and i have 9 more to give out on monday!
hopefully the people i give to won't reject them and let me pray for them.
even if they rip up the card in front of me, at least i tried.
OHOH, i fell down during 2.4 on friday.
I was actually running with Jieying to motivate her, since she failed the first time.
I was pushing her like crazy and then BAM, i fell down.
Now i have a big wound on my knee which really really hurts. ):
Oh, i achieved 40/60 for my english comprehension test!
Which in my opinion, is NOT good.
At all!
i also got 44/70 for chinese.
horrible huh.
I have an english formal letter writing test and a BIG geog test on friday.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nothing can seperate us from his love!

sometimes i miss being in an all girls' school.
ya know, without all the vulgar/rowdy/obnoxious/repulsive boys in your class.
and, sometimes i DONT.
my best friend from Primary School told me today that shes in love with a girl from her class.
People who ask me why i came to Fairfield, now you know.

anyway, tomorrow i have a science test.
am i freaking out? quite possibly.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm content with loneliness

YELLOW! If you're wondering, just say Yellow a few times VERY fast and you'll get it. ;) I have a math test tomorrow, a HE test on wednesday. and a SCIENCE test on thursday. ouch. I'm kind of excited for Math because i kind of understand Linear Equations, kinda? i HAVE to get more than 20/25, its a must! and oh, i cant stand mondays, they are so boring and dry. D:

i think its a bit awkward and creepy when someone you DONT know is reading your blog. i mean like, if i've never seen you before, why the freak are you stalking me? i wouldverymuch like to go back to before, when only THREE people knew my blog existed.

off to study for math! MY LIFE DEPENDS ON THIS.

Friday, April 16, 2010

i know somewhere deep in my soul that love doesn't last

smile and the world smiles with you! :D

First time i'm adding a picture into my blog post! isnt he cute?
*points to smiling sun*
anyway, today was terrible.
really terrible. ):
A) I stained my skirt AND my PE shorts, hence me panicking panicking PANICKING!!!
B) Dropped all my food on the floor while taking out my umbrella after Red Cross
C) Stepped into a black puddle and now my shoes are all black with dirt.
i know, major yuck):
but the good thing was...
I got praised by my seniors for my good drill!
due to staining my PE shorts, i was short-less during Red Cross.
and i didnt 'bang' properly because i was afraid
but apparently, it was still good!
i can march very well apparently. ^^
(i rock! :P)

ugh, i'm so glad its the weekend.
time for church! :)
i'm so sick of this week already.

My mom, sis and me! i am the cute girl in red striped jacket.

duh. ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter!

there is a thunderstorm brewing outside my window at the moment.
23rd floor, excellent view of lightning!
its seriously cool.

today was draggy since its thursday and only on monday and thursdays does school end at.. 2.15pm
i shall not reveal my terrible test marks since they're so terrible and all.
Oh and today i got hit on the ear with a rubber ball while walking outside of school.
the first time that happened, it was with a basketball.
man do balls hate me. ):

anyway more saddening news.
my investiture article isnt going to be included into the Fairsian times.
:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( x 10000000000000000000
does Mr Owyong not realise i spent A LOT of time on it? :(
and not to mention how excited i was.
urgh, i dont even want to go for Journalism tomorrow.
its just so sad.

in short, today was a cruddy day. ):

Monday, April 12, 2010


47kg as of now.
i need to stop eating so much.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

your true colours are beautiful like a rainbow

Chapelthon was on friday.
it was kinda good! :)
Red Cross(*groans*) ended late, so i had to binge on a bowl of: beehoon/fishball/someweirdcheesething in about 2 mins.
topped off with some diluted orange juice! :)
i ran into the hall just in time! :D
sat next to this very nice girl named Annabelle and she kept whispering to me
Shes very cute. ^^
oh and i sat next to Constance too.
and my new friend Xin Hui! :)
Chapelthon involved a lot of singing..
and 90% of the time, i knew NONE of the songs!
Embarrassing much? *gushes*
Chapelthon ended at 10pm and then my dad picked me up and i zoomed home cause i was SOOO tired. :(

theres been something bugging me.
i mean, i've never been obsessed with my weight or anything.
45kg is okay right?
constance is the same height as me (its just a weird coincidence, trust me)
and shes 40kg! :(
its just so sad.
i'm so heavy compared to her! :(
okay i'm not becoming anorexic if you're wondering.
its just, i'm so heavy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

its time to get over yourself.

2nd post. heee.
i just felt like saying this:
i should be happy that people visit my blog and read my prose right?
be happy gracia, people think you could be a good author!

an eloquent person?

school today was bleak.
i cant wait for Chapelthon tomorrow. HEEEEE(:

anyway, i think i have an unhealthy obsession with watching clouds drift by.
i cant help but watch the luxuriant clouds float by.
they are just so magical! :)

i think i'm an eloquent person.
maybe a little on the capricous side?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

swallow your pride

I dont have much to say.
My life is bleak.
and my mind is a blank canvas for now.

anyway, today i ran 2.4km!
(the real test)
its an enigma how i managed to finish in 16:05 minutes!
i feel really proud of myself.
*beams with pride*
my gosh, while running, the resplendent sun was shining at me and urrrghhh it was horrible.
i just hate running in general. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hello world.

Happy good friday!
It sounds awkward, dontya think?
theres no school today, which is kind of sad. :(
i kinda enjoy school! :)
I feel so much pressure right now.
Its like, people are scrutinizing my blog right now.
According to Constance, i have 5 adjectives in every sentence. D:
and according to Theodora, she will patronize my blog and she loves reading it.
AND Kelda says i write very well.
Constance wants my brain. AHAHA.
Its such a joy to have her around. (really!)

Yesterday i had my dental appointment with my Orthodontist
Apparently, my lower jaw is growing outward and my upper jaw is not growing well with the lower jaw.
SO, even though my teeth are straight, my jaws are not growing together
Which in simple terms, I'm going to have to go for surgery when im 17 and theres nothing i can do about it. :(
My whole body was trembling and my lip was quivering when i heard the news.

For the 3 people who read my blog,
you should know i have Cleft Lip/Cleft Palatte.
Hence I have to go for this jaw surgery.
Its saddening really.