Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm content with loneliness

YELLOW! If you're wondering, just say Yellow a few times VERY fast and you'll get it. ;) I have a math test tomorrow, a HE test on wednesday. and a SCIENCE test on thursday. ouch. I'm kind of excited for Math because i kind of understand Linear Equations, kinda? i HAVE to get more than 20/25, its a must! and oh, i cant stand mondays, they are so boring and dry. D:

i think its a bit awkward and creepy when someone you DONT know is reading your blog. i mean like, if i've never seen you before, why the freak are you stalking me? i wouldverymuch like to go back to before, when only THREE people knew my blog existed.

off to study for math! MY LIFE DEPENDS ON THIS.

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