Friday, April 16, 2010

i know somewhere deep in my soul that love doesn't last

smile and the world smiles with you! :D

First time i'm adding a picture into my blog post! isnt he cute?
*points to smiling sun*
anyway, today was terrible.
really terrible. ):
A) I stained my skirt AND my PE shorts, hence me panicking panicking PANICKING!!!
B) Dropped all my food on the floor while taking out my umbrella after Red Cross
C) Stepped into a black puddle and now my shoes are all black with dirt.
i know, major yuck):
but the good thing was...
I got praised by my seniors for my good drill!
due to staining my PE shorts, i was short-less during Red Cross.
and i didnt 'bang' properly because i was afraid
but apparently, it was still good!
i can march very well apparently. ^^
(i rock! :P)

ugh, i'm so glad its the weekend.
time for church! :)
i'm so sick of this week already.

My mom, sis and me! i am the cute girl in red striped jacket.

duh. ;)

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