Thursday, April 15, 2010

life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter!

there is a thunderstorm brewing outside my window at the moment.
23rd floor, excellent view of lightning!
its seriously cool.

today was draggy since its thursday and only on monday and thursdays does school end at.. 2.15pm
i shall not reveal my terrible test marks since they're so terrible and all.
Oh and today i got hit on the ear with a rubber ball while walking outside of school.
the first time that happened, it was with a basketball.
man do balls hate me. ):

anyway more saddening news.
my investiture article isnt going to be included into the Fairsian times.
:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( x 10000000000000000000
does Mr Owyong not realise i spent A LOT of time on it? :(
and not to mention how excited i was.
urgh, i dont even want to go for Journalism tomorrow.
its just so sad.

in short, today was a cruddy day. ):

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