Sunday, July 31, 2011

Catching teardrops with my hand

Hello. I'm currently walking to the library to meet Keziah. Thank God that I have 3G if not I'll look like a loner.
Little known fact about me: I seek security. Not like, physical security like having a bodyguard around though.
Security in the form of company? I'm not sure how to phrase it.. But it's kinda like I need friends around to feel safe?
When I'm alone I kind of feel vulnerable. Do you understand what I mean reader? :/

Anyway, enough of insecurities. Sooooo.. Yesterday was the NDP preview.
We had city march for the first time and at the end of our city march there was a brilliant fireworks display!
Gosh it was so beautiful that I couldn't concentrate on marching. I don't think anyone could..
Haha then we said the pledge together and sang the slow version of the national anthem. And while we were singing, there were fireworks in the background and gosh it was so picturesque.
Sounds cheeeeesy and patriotic, but it did make me feel proud to be a Singaporean. :O
I don't know how they manage to do it, but it worked.
Darn they are good.
Next week is the reception and after that is NDP and it'll be all over. ):
I think we've come a long way from the first training at Née Soon Camp.
From being TOTALLY clueless to knowing every part of the parade segment, even some of the commands, I think NDP has been a great journey.
Meeting great friends and not so great friends(bleh), I'm gonna miss everyone. ):

Alright. I'm done with my patriotic and sappy mood.
3 tests next week. Consecutively.. Not cool man not cool.
Not really prepared.. Most worried for English):
After failing the last test.. I'm really nervous. ;/

Keziah is here! I'll blog later(:

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