Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare

Hello. Currently typing this from my mum's new IPad. I find It extremely redundant though... Kinda useless to me... Hmm

Anyway, today was a pretty satisfactory day. I got an A for DNT, though a low A(72%), I'm still contented. Thankfully the test was mostly written but I got full marks for the drawing part as well! Mwahaha to the people who said I couldn't draw(my sec1 art teacher), in your face! *shoves paper into her face* I do miss my art teacher, Mdm Lim though. She was kind enough to help me though I was useless in art D: thankfully art is over and all I have to deal with now is DNT! *wipes sweat off forehead*

I'm really glad that tests are really over, until next Thursday, which is English formal letter test. Meh, I have no problems with writing, I guess it's the compre that kills me): I feel that I can relax now :) finally I can just go to sleep without worrying about upcoming tests. The happiness is short lived though, tests are coming in another 2 weeks. *sad face*

Another thing happening in 2 weeks... NDP! hehehe I'm quite excited to march and simply just get it over and done with so I can get my Saturday's back. I'll surely miss everyone(but Brian) though... Sigh. But I'm sure I'll see all of them at FD Com! Which will prolly be reallyyyyyy awkward :/

Oh and i got a new phone today! The HTC Sensation. Chanel ma'am introduced the phone to me and convinced me to get it. It's actually not that bad of a phone, minus The fact that I spent 1 hour figuring out how to charge it... When I did finally figure it out, the battery level was at 9%, oh boy I hope I didn't screw the battery up :/

I'm getting cramps typing so I'm gonna stop here. I apologize for the mundane post, my mum was reading as I typed most of this post :/

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