Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Semi-almost perfect day(:

Apologies for not blogging for like.. 5 days. Been pretty busy. And I mean it!

Lets see what I have missed.. Well, NDP NE show 3 was on Saturday.
Mum went, she said it was good. But I wouldn't know, I was in the reserve. Yupp! My FIRST TIME IN THE RESERVE :O
But it was pretty interesting actually.. The reserves got to eat the Old Chang Kee and drink the Milo from the Milo truck while the main contingent didnt. And we ate the extra free ice cream from dinner. Like, we finished the whole box :O Being in the reserve aint that bad :)
NDP Preview is on Saturday and before you know it.. It's 9th August!
I'm pretty nervous to march. I mean, what if I fumble and drop my flag? Hopefully that won't happen. *fingers crossed*
Kinda glad that NDP is over, I'll have my Saturdays back. Then again kinda sad.. Won't see my NDP pals anymore. And when we do it's prolly just gonna be really awkward. And if we ever hold outings like BBQs, only people like Lu Shi, Jia min and Brian will show up. Bleh.

Today was a relatively good day. :) Ended school on a high note cause we missed 3 periods due to this MOE survery. :) And I made it in time for the McValue meal! Except they gave me 3 drumlets and only 1 wing. That really tooted me off but I ate some cupcakes and now I'm much better. Hahaha and I've only got one homework today! An English Complaint Letter. Yay. I love writing. Today's pretty good. And my hair was really cooperative today! My bangs were nicely straight. Heheh *big smile* Usually it's a big mess and I just get really flustered and I just leave it all messed up but today it was nicely straight! Heheheh :D I've never felt more girly.

Really loving my new HTC phone. It's REALLY awesome. Downside is the battery. But other than that it's lovely! Ahhh I love it I wanna hug it but i don't wanna drop it. Meh. Keziah bets that I'll drop it soon but Imma prove her wrong!

Until I drop it... :/

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