Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Test results

Gah. The only thing I hate more than tests is the receiving of test papers. That panic moment when the teacher says that the class didn't do very well or that you yourself did badly. Gosh. Thats the worst feeling a student can get I guess. And that sweaty-palms-heart-racing moment when you overturn your test paper when its returned. GAH! I hate test results.

Anyway the moment had to come, and I have received almost all my test results. With the exception of Literature(gulp) and DNT(double gulp). The results were meh. Okay I guess. I've done better before, but I'm sorta satisfied. Satisfactory is never enough though. As I have learnt. You need to feel that sense of ego-ness and pride that you get when you know you are in the top 10 kinda thing. Its the only way you feel like you've actually accomplished something. Sometimes your definition of Good marks is someone else's definition of bad marks!

I once chatted with this Sec 4 who told me his personal grading system. Anything below 70 was an F9 and an A1 was 85 and above. I think I should adopt his system soon. It's practical.. I guess. I hate getting anything below 70. It just looks out of place. Meh. I think I aim too high and when I do not meet my expectations I crash and burn and just feel like crawling into a hole and dying.

Anyway, I realise that I'm a slacker. Man, I come home and tell myself I'm gonna do all this work and in the end, here I am at 10.50, with homework and research undone. Have I mentioned it's graded?! I feel so lazy and slack now. I should just slap myself and tell myself to wake up, like WAKE UP GRACIA ITS SEMESTER 2 AND ITS STREAMING! DO YOU WANNA GO INTO A BAD COURSE?!! Yeah. I wish someone would do that. (Reader, this does not mean I want you to slap me)

The thought of Streaming kinda scares me actually. I used to think "Oh I'm in 2F, everyone else is below me" and now I've come to realise that people CAN step all over you and rise above to the top if they want to! And they are! As charmaine would say, HOLY MAMA! Hahaha I need to get my priorities(i spelled it as prirorities at the start :O) straight! This is all talk but no action~ Theres this chinese cheng yu for this!! I learnt it in Sec 1! But i forgot! Gah I think this is why I am not doing very well for Chinese.

I wish I was smarter. I do believe that intelligence is somewhat linked to how well you do. I mean, hard work does play a big part I'm sure, but some people are just smarter! They get things faster and apply them quicker and stuff. You know what I mean? Wish I was one of those people.. ):

Anyway, the only thing to look forward to tomorrow is Council Duty. Punctuality is really fun! Specially when you close the back gate in people's faces and they have to walk all the way to the front gate and get booked. Heh heh heh. I know I sound sadistic. :P NOT looking forward to triple Chinese AND DNT periods. Gah hope I don't fall asleep during DNT! It's so dry and boring. I'm truly not a technical person and probably never will be.

Live long and prosper dear reader

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