Friday, February 26, 2010

Perfect Thursday.

HI (:
I'm blogging now because tomorrow is Flag Day and I dont want to sleep yet. :)
Okay, lets see the overview of these 2 days.

The SL(s) wrote a lot of stuff on the class white board and we all were shocked when we came to class!
Our(1f) SLs are really the best!
Anyway, the day was looking dry.
Then there was math.
Guess what?!
i got 23/25 for my math test!!!
Thats a 9 mark inprovement!!
2nd in class!!!
THEN, during journalism, Mr Guo FINALLY let me into Friday's journ
But the sad thing is, it clashes with Red Cross.
So i can technically only attend for half an hour
BUT ALAS, i am still 'present'.
And guess what?
Anddd, on Cross Country day...
I'm on photo duty with Nicole.
She is really cool. :)
Anyway thursday was a PERFECT day.
Really really perfect. ((:


We had MASS RUN!!
3 rounds!!
Oh my gosh, i swear i was having some sort of asthma attack.
It was dreadful.
Thankfully, no cross country for me. (((((((((((:
The rest of the day was bleak.
Journalism was fun. :DD
But only for half an hour.
Then i ran to the skybridge for Red Cross.
It was, bleak-er.
We wrapped a hamper.
It wasnt that exciting.
Then I got released at 5.30pm cause tomorrow is Flag Day.
But then, i decided to wait for Crystal.
1 hour, i spent 1 hour in the canteen doing homework/watching GB do drill.
Ahh, it was so mesmerising.
If only if only..
ANYWAY, then i saw the GB girls coming down.
So I frantically searched around for Crystal
but... NOTHING.
So i went home alone.
Today was a bleak day.
Tomorrow is Flag Day!
5 hours on the street,
not so Yay.
I had a total rant planned out, but its getting late and tomorrow i have to wake up at 6.30.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I typed out a long thing, and my internet browser closed by itself.
deleting everything. i am depressed now. hmph.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Econs!

Today was slightly better than yesterday!
Ya know, during Chapel,
At all!!
I swear!
Its, well, disappointing!
At least in CHIJ, people sang during mass!
well, maybe cause it was a primary school and all but still!
Its disappointing!
And the teacher is really pitiful.
She tries to make us all sing, but no one sings!!
I do, but no one else does!
andand, the songs that they sing arent that bad either!
they are actually songs i sing during Youth Service!
Yeah so i dont understand why PEOPLE DONT SING!

Had science, copied down notes on Antibiotics.
It was fun!
Then had recess, then uh, MATH TEST!
I know I already minised 2 marks, darn it.
But im confident about the rest.
the rest was easy. :D
Or at least I hope it was.
Then we had english, watched some clips on movies.
Interesting, but boring.
THEN we had Art.
Boy oh boy i hate art.
its just so BORING!!
After 5 dreadful periods of Art, we had EXCURSION!
It wasnt that great.
We just went to the place after an hour drive to Kranji,
then we watched a video, went around the place for half an hour, and then thats it!
We went home
ANOTHER 1 hour journey back!
it was so boring! *sigh*
Reached home at 6.10pm.
Took 198 home with Crystal and Shirley.
Crystal is too adorable!

Well, here i am.
Tomorrow, I have a Home Econs test
And tomorrow i have to submit my sandwich design.
I need to go find healthy recipes and stuff.
And on thursday, I have a science test!
Ms Chong said it was gonna be hard!!
Tomorrow i have to stay back and do the stupid science project.
which stinks.
And i have STILL haven't studied for the home econs test!!
3 chapters!
I'll probably have to memorise a lot of stuff.
Tomorrow i probably wont have time to study enough for science!
and i HAVE to get a good grade for science!
AHH so stressful!
But the upside is, tomorrow we are cooking curry chicken!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Got the monday blues!

Hi! (:
Today was okay, not so good, not so bad.
Tomorrow I have a math test.
YAY I love math.
Prime numbers.. Hmm.
i've understood everything the teacher said SO FAR, so i think i am good.
Actually, today's lessons were DRY.
Very dry.
After school, i went to look for Crystal, found her at the canteen.
Decided to stay back with her to do our science project.
OH, before that, we had a very odd Fairsian Connect.
Very odd..
Oh and while queueing up to buy rice, i saw Angela, my sort of class counsilor.
She walks up and down the aisle with Constance every morning.
She is nice, strange and pimple conscious, but nice. :)
I saw her again while queueing up for drinks.
And she calls herself a counsilor.
*mumbles under breath*
Angela : *taps me on the shoulder and smiles innocently* Hi Gracia!
Me : Hi.. Why are you standing here?
Angela: Can I stand behind you?
Me: Uh, okay.
Angela: Don't tell Constance okay? I am going to pass my investiger and become a councilor, THEN I WILL BOOK YOU FOR TOUCHING MY FACE.
But for now, i am going to break the rules, until i get my tie. :D
Me : *blinks in disbelief* Okay..
She is one strange kid.
Anyway, had lunch then we went to the library.
H1N1 projects are extremely stressful!
We spent about 2 hours doing 3 questions, super tiring!!
Oh and the Secondary 2 boys were playing around, cursing vulgar words and going on (wait for it..)
How lame is that?!
I stopped using that in like, P2!!
Who actually still uses that?!
And they search the stupidest people.
It makes me ashamed to say that they are older than me!
And they curse very loud like sailors, its disgusting.
Do they NOT have ANY sense of class or social courtesy at ALL?!
Anyway, then Crystal and I met up with her sister, Jessica.
We then took 198 home.
I talked to Jessica about being a Counsilor(she is currently on Probation!)
Since no one actually reads my blog, i am proud to say,
I want to be a counsilor!
But, you need 5 friends to like 'vote' for you.
I don't consider myself popular or anything, so I have no idea.
I mean, i have no idea who would VOTE for me.
Really, I dont consider myself popular or anything.
Never was, probably never will be.
*shrugs shoulders*
I never was a prefect, I never got enough votes from my Primary School friends.
See what I mean?

I just counted 9 months back from my birthday(1st October)
Interesting huh?
Kind of gross, but interesting!

OHOH and i finally got a new decent book that doesnt contain the f word or R rated scenes or anything.
Its called "Born on a blue day"
Its a true story about this guy, he has a rare condition, only less than 1% of the world's population has it.
He can do fantastically complicated math problems in seconds, and its AMAZING!
Its so cool.
And its true story!
Way better than The Time Traveller's Wife *coughcough*

Sunday, February 21, 2010

If today was a fairytale

This weekend was FUN.
I met Alicia and Sharonrose(yes that is how her name is spelled) at NTUC and Alicia bought some sweets. Ticktacks I believe..
Then we had Cell!
For once, we didn't have a claustrophobic cell room!
The cell room was HUGE!!
Anyway, had fun at cell!
I love my cell people. Hehe!
Then we went for kinda dinner.
We had 10 mins to eat, so we didnt exactly eat.
Then we had SERVICE!
Before SERVICE, my church friends came up to me and hugged me because i told them before that i was depressed over GB and red cross, and they hugged me tightly.
*cute awws*
Anyway, then service started.
It was so funny!
This African American guy from San Fransisco(is that how you spell it?) came to preach.
His sermon was so funny!
I was laughing till I was almost in tears.
The altar call was great too.
THEN, I had dinner with Alicia and Eva.
While i was kindly buying chicken chop for them(grilled, not fried),
they were looking through my phone and apparently, it is not appropriate to have a picture of yourself as your phone's wallpaper.
So they KINDLY decided to take a photo(Alicia, Eva and Jacquelyn) and put it as their wallpaper.
I dont think I am allowed to change the wallpaper.
But the picture is cute! :D
I love my cell.
Sunday AKA Today!
I woke up at 8.30am for who knows why reasons.
I fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep again until about 9.30.
Then i watched Golf with my dad(yeah thats right!) and then i changed and got ready to meet Rebecca at Clementi.
My dad sent us to Vivocity(THANK YOU DAD)!
Then Ya Min came, then we bought the tickets.
We had lunch at SUPERDOG!
And Ya Min kept telling me that cows cry before they get slaugtered and become beef.
Cause apparently, chilli cheese fries contain beef!
We shared sad animal stories then went up to GV to buy snacks for the movie.
We bought this monster truckload of popcorn and this other monster sized drink.
We were early for the movie, so we then proceeded to start throwing popcorn at each other?
Like first it was trying to enter each other's mouths, then we just went on to throwing at each other.
Ahhh, fun times.
Then the movie started.
Valentine's Day was weird.
There WAS a Gay Couple Alicia!
And there were complicated stories and it was just strange.
Taylor Swift was really really good though!
A 5,6,7,8!
I like the ending though.
It was bittersweet.
Ohohohoh i especially liked it when Jennifer Garner hit the pinata like crazy, and the indian couple were afraid and the husband put his arms round the head of his bride! Hilarious.
It was a TWO hour movie!
After that, we came out of the theatre feeling abit disorientated.
We went to Starbucks to get some stuff for Ya Min's sister.
It smelled like, Coffeeeee.
Then we took bus 166 from Vivo to Clementi MRT station.
It amazingly goes to Fairfield.
Anyway, i took an MRT back to Jurong and here I am.

Test week is next week.
We have math test on tuesday, home econs and chinese on wednesday and a science test on Thurday.
A lot right?
*stress stress stress*
I am mostly worried for Home Econs and Science.
I'm afraid.
I have to do my geography homework.
Some worksheet, just that I dont know HOW TO.
Its so confusing!
People usually say that Sec 1 is the most relaxed time, can play the most.
I dont really think so.
I guess I am just not used to Secondary School yet I guess.
I need to go do Geography worksheet now.
Learning on the different forests is weird.
I don't know what is going on 60% of the time!
And I got a 9/10 for the geog test
I may have spelled Antarctica wrongly, so i lost that 1 mark.
I'm excited for math though.
I love prime numbers.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

Reader of my blog which I doubt anyone actually does but yeah.
Today was, alright.
School was fine, the english test was EASY!
I'm so excited to get back my ORCA book reports, and my English Compo test
Which by the way, we wrote who knows how many weeks ago. *shifty eyes*
Anyway, we had MASS RUN today!
Mr ng, oh mr ng, why do you torture us with THREE rounds?
By the first round, Ya Min and I were already dead and she said in between pants
I shall Ya Min, I shall.

You pant heavily.
Your lungs are burning.
Every part of your body is burning.
Just screaming inside of you to stop.
You ignore the burning sensation on your legs.
You can feel the pain inside, growing, kicking you, just dying to be stopped.
You want to scream, let out all the pain.
Oh my gosh, you mouth to yourself.
Mass Run, oh Mass Run, the bane of my existence.

That wasn't good. :/
Wait, it wasn't good at all.

Speaking of Ya Min, I am going to watch Valentine's Day with her and Rebecca on Sunday!
Our first outing !
And we are going Vivo!
Just so Ya Min can try Superdog.
Mmmm, superdog.
*mouth waters*

Anyway, i had Red Cross today.
Safe to say, it sucked.
We did our Health Law today.
I had to learn the 12 Health Laws.
Wanna hear it?
1. Bathe everyday and wash your hands before and after meals and after visiting the toilet.
2. Brush your teeth every morning and night and rinse your mouth after each meal.
3. Regulary visit the Lavatory(the bathroom)
4. Have an upright posture when sitting or standing.
5. Our body needs fresh air and sunlight(SHOCKER!)
6. Exercise regulary for health and mantainence of an ideal weight.
7. Use hankerchief or tissue paper to cover nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing.
8. Do not spit(Wow..)
9. Have a balanced and varied diet for healthy growth.
10. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
11. Have at least 8-10 hours of sleep and rest everyday.
12. Wear clean clothes and use clean personal articles.

And accompanying that, we had to DESIGN a poster on one of the Health Laws.
Then we get our Health Law badge
Strange huh?!
And they made us run 2 rounds around the school, up and down the staircases.
It sucked.
A lot.
And GB got released at 5.30.
And us?! 6.30!
I reached home at 7.15 and safe to say, I collapsed on my bed and slept till 9.45.

Anyway, I realise, you know in Secondary School.
You are like 'required'(sort of) to wear low socks and to wear All Star school shoes?
I think its a bit, retarded?
I don't even understand WHY people want to wear low socks.
Like, they fold their socks, the front part.
They fold it till the socks are lower than their ankle.
Wayyyy lower.
Then they put on their All Star shoes.
I find ankle socks VERYVERY uncomfortable!
And its very awkward.
Your ankles feel so -EXPOSED-
And I don't understand why other girls wear their skirts so SHORT!
Do they WANT to look cheap? (I know this is literal, but still)
Top it off with the ankle socks and everything, its just a bit, eeek.
When I walk on the fourth floor or the third floor after Home Econs, or Art, or Music,
You always see these types of people.
Usually I walk extra fast.
They scare me. :/
And their HAIR.
Their hair is like, flying everywhere?
With like fillers, like cockroaches!
Is it so hard to just COMB IT ALL THE WAY UP?
Like I do?
Its neater, and you don't have flying ninja hair all the time.
I don't even see whats so appealing about long fringes.
Its so, odd!
It just leaves your forehead oily and gives you ZITS.
I just don't get it.
Can someone kindly enlighten me?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

No one reads my blog.

BUT its okay(:
Today was horrible, due to unforseen circumstances.
Anyway, tomorrow I have Red Cross.
Ya min, do you know how lucky you are?
Ya min keeps complaining about GB!
Anyway, I really detest Journalism right now.
Its such a waste of time.
I want to get out of Red Cross next year(DUH) and maybe join a CCA that isnt on Friday?
So I can go for Friday's Journalism. (Which is the actual WRITING)
But its like, impossible.
Sigh, I might quit Journalism.
Its just so, BARREN!
I really will quit if I can't write.
Apparently, the only writing we do is for podcasting!?
Which is like a script, only worse.
Anyway my writing isn't THAT great, its so mediocre.
so conventional.
Nothing great.
Anyway, i promise myself that tomorrow will be a better day.
And I WILL enjoy Red Cross with Samantha, Keziah and Andrew.
How can I be bored with THEM?!
Keziah can sing her Ashley Tisdale songs while Samantha can do her weird stuff and Andrew can be, Andrew. :P
Oooo, its going to be fun. :)
Must be positive! :D
But i'm seriously considering quiting Journalism.
Its just so useless, so FUTILE!!
I have to cool down.
Anyway, since no one reads my blog, it can be like, the place where I talk to myself.

I hate journalism.

i'm in journalism now.
its boring! AHHH.
We don't write like they promised.
WE, we do VIDEOS and MEDIA and all that non writing related things!
Friday's journalism is doing The Royal Commonwealth Essay Competition
And thursdays'?
Why oh why am i in Red Cross?!!
If i wasnt in red cross, i could be in Journ on friday,
My CCA(s) are all boring.
I've been sitting here for the past hour and a half, 'surfing the net'.
one gets bored of doing that after half an hour.
I dont ACTUALLY do anything!!
at all!!
Constance said that she was happy God put me in Journalism.
Its so so so so so boring!!
All ANYONE does here is play the computer!
Its super super boring!
I hate my CCA(s)
I repeat, I HATE MY CCA(s)!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to my life.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you

Happy day!

Hi there!
Today is a HAPPY DAY!
Actually, not really.
Well, lets see the good points and bad points of today.
School ended at 1!
I didn't get killed by Ms Chong for not filing.
I managed to file my file properly!
Today theres no homework!
Today there was 5 periods of Home Econs THEORY!
It was sooooooooo boring.
Theres a home econs test. :(
Well, there are more good points than bad points so i guess today IS a happy day! :D

Ya know, thanks to Allinda, my Orientation shirt is SERIOUSLY OVERSIZED!!
I am wearing it now, and it covers my pants!
Crazy huh?!
but its comfy! :DD

I have to finish my ORCA Assignment today.
It is part of my OMA.
In case you dont know what OMA means, it stands for OTHER MODES OF ASSESMENT!
Ooops, does assesment have 2 's's?
Who knows..
Anyway, thanks to Constance for lending me Perfect Match.
I think i am annoying her.
She seemed super annoyed when i approached her just now.
Oh no..
BUT! An encouraging saying from Ya Min
"Even if the whole world hates you, I'll still be YOUR friend."
*cue major AWW*
Ya min really is a good friend! *sniffsniff*
OHOH and on Sunday we(Rebecca, Ya Min and I) are gonna watch Valentine's Day!
YAY! Can't wait.
Even though its TEST week next week!
I have an english test tomorrow..
A zuo wen test/home econs test on wednesday.
and a science test on thursday!!
I'm not sure about Math though.
but so far, i am getting Math.
Prime Numbers are easy! (so far)

Yawn yawn, i want to sleep now.
I barely got any sleep last night.
couldnt sleep at ALL!
This morning was so hard, trying to keep my eyes open. :(
I'm going to briefly read through Perfect Match now, go do my ORCA assignment!
Sorry Constance, if i annoyed you or anything.

Lord I'm amazed by you, how you love me

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My first attire check

Sweat trickles down everyone's faces as the scrawny, and tall Discipline teacher says the magic words
"Form teachers, please conduct the attire check"
The Councilors stand up almost immediately.
They walk with cautious eyes.
Down the line they go, doing a check on everyone's uniforms.
Unsuspecting people are chatting away, turning their backs to whisper to their friends.
You hear the disapproving grunts of the Fairsians as they stand up, rolling their eyes as they get checked by their teachers.
The once lovely councilors are now looking at your attire with strictness, with swiftness.
You dont dare to catch their gaze, you can't help but look down while they assess you.
Then, as soon as they started, they end their assessment.
They slowly but surely walk down the aisle again.
Checking the next student, and this goes on.
You can't help but give out a relieved sigh, you survived your first attire check.
You look around, looking at the girls with short skirts, long fringes being booked.
Their faces tell it all.
Shivers of fear run down your spine.
And soon, you hear the Discipline Master's sweet words.
"Attire check is over"
You shoot your friend behind you an-over-relieved look.
And as fast as it started, its time to go back to classes.
to resume lessons, as if it never happened.
As you walk cautiously back to class,
you cant help but stare at the boys being reprimanded for their long pants.
"Is it so hard not to alter them?"
You wonder, puzzled.
As lessons start, you take out your books, Math.
Prime Numbers.
And soon, the memories of that spine chilling attire check leave you
An insignificant recluse.


I finalllyyy changed everything about my blog!
*pokes new link*
Anyway, quick update on school.
Studies: I didn't do too well in my first tests, borderline passes all the way.
Yeah i knoww.
But for my second test, im gonna work hard!!
Today had geog test, it was EAASSSYY!
I have an english test next week, after CNY.
I have lots of tests, tests tests. :(
CCA: Yeah, I'm not in GB.
I'm in Journalism though.
Tomorrow, i'm gonna interview all the Sec 4 classes on CNY.
I'm in Red Cross now.
I tried appealing into GB, but it was unsuccessful. :(
Anyway, just have to accept the fact and move on I guess.
Special thanks to Crystal, Ya min and Constance.
For cheering me up when I was super down.
You all are getting chocolate cupcakes from me tomorrow!
Yeapp! I'm baking tonight, first time I'm baking CHOCOLATE cupcakes!
The sunset outside my window, its very awestruck-ish.
The colours are so beautiful.
One day, someone has to sleep over at my house.
23rd floor!
The sunset is really majestic !
Okay, i'm talking too much.
Tomorrow is CNY!
Going to malaysia tomorrow to visit my 6 baby cousins(im not exaggerating!!)
SIX! One is like, 5 months old!
I feel so OLDDD.
Tomorrow, I hope 1F wins.
Which class paints the TAJ MAHAL?
(I can't spell it, so yeah)
Sadly, I have to interview people tomorrow, so i cant stay to watch the judging. :(
Its okay! I know our class will fight and trash, CAUSE WE'LL ALWAYS BE THE BEST! :D
I'm talking wayyy too much.
To summarise it, Fairfield is so far, okay. Fun.
My studies are like, =/
My CCA is like half hearted.
My life now is alright. very average

PS: i dont know why, but i have to sign off with love gracia, maybe its the effect of posting on my class blog too often. HMM. :D