Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Econs!

Today was slightly better than yesterday!
Ya know, during Chapel,
At all!!
I swear!
Its, well, disappointing!
At least in CHIJ, people sang during mass!
well, maybe cause it was a primary school and all but still!
Its disappointing!
And the teacher is really pitiful.
She tries to make us all sing, but no one sings!!
I do, but no one else does!
andand, the songs that they sing arent that bad either!
they are actually songs i sing during Youth Service!
Yeah so i dont understand why PEOPLE DONT SING!

Had science, copied down notes on Antibiotics.
It was fun!
Then had recess, then uh, MATH TEST!
I know I already minised 2 marks, darn it.
But im confident about the rest.
the rest was easy. :D
Or at least I hope it was.
Then we had english, watched some clips on movies.
Interesting, but boring.
THEN we had Art.
Boy oh boy i hate art.
its just so BORING!!
After 5 dreadful periods of Art, we had EXCURSION!
It wasnt that great.
We just went to the place after an hour drive to Kranji,
then we watched a video, went around the place for half an hour, and then thats it!
We went home
ANOTHER 1 hour journey back!
it was so boring! *sigh*
Reached home at 6.10pm.
Took 198 home with Crystal and Shirley.
Crystal is too adorable!

Well, here i am.
Tomorrow, I have a Home Econs test
And tomorrow i have to submit my sandwich design.
I need to go find healthy recipes and stuff.
And on thursday, I have a science test!
Ms Chong said it was gonna be hard!!
Tomorrow i have to stay back and do the stupid science project.
which stinks.
And i have STILL haven't studied for the home econs test!!
3 chapters!
I'll probably have to memorise a lot of stuff.
Tomorrow i probably wont have time to study enough for science!
and i HAVE to get a good grade for science!
AHH so stressful!
But the upside is, tomorrow we are cooking curry chicken!

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